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How Will I Know?

How Will I Know You?

I will know you by your song
Rather than your voice,
And I will know you by your smile
Rather than your face.
I will look at you and see the strength 
I have never seen before,
And I will see the sensitivity that
Will be a partner to that strength.
And I will become encircled in your glow
And thus will we walk together always.

I cannot say
What you will say.
But when you say it
I will know you.
And my response will be such 
That there will be no doubt 
That this is the sign
We have waited for.
And you will know me,
As the message will rise into the heavens
And permeate the Earth around us.

And I will look at you
And not see the shadow
But the substance.
And you will look at me
And see beyond the cover to the content.
And we will see glorious things 
That no one else has ever seen before,
But have always been there unnoticed.
And we will see glorious things
That have not been there before,
But will now be there. 
Because we will see them
In each other and make them so.

We will forget
All those who knew us falsely,
All those who knew us partially,
For they did not know us at all.
And we will not focus on one thing,
Giving or not giving approval
On the basis of a part
As others have wrongly done.
But we will see a totality, 
The good and the bad,
Accepting it all with joy. 
And thus will we say I-Thou
For the first time.

You will know me as I really am
And I will know you truly,
Not even as we know ourselves
And would present ourselves, 
But to the very core of our beings.
And we will see the good and bad,
Accepting all with joy,
And from that time on
Our souls will be locked in harmony.
I will become you,
You will become me,
And we call each other

By Meryl Fishman


My husband & I just celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in May of this year, although we have been together for several years longer than that. We knew of each other in High School but did not date. In fact, if someone had pointed him out to me then & said, “There is your future husband!” I would have laughed because he had the wildest, curly red hair. I did have a premonition once however, while dating my high school sweetheart, that my husband would have curly hair. (My high school sweetheart had very straight hair.) This was as close as I ever got to intuiting who he might be while I was in high school. 

We met again in college Freshman year, when we had a class together but both of us were still dating others so we only talked. But the following fall, fate stepped in & we met in the doorway of a fraternity having a party. We immediately set a date for a date as both of us were free. It would be 4 & 1/2 years before we married.  

So as I said, we’ve been together for awhile but it’s gone by so fast. He has changed, I have changed but fortunately for us, we have changed together & have given each other the space & permission to change. I think this is the trick. Not to hold so tightly to what has been but to allow for growth & change. This isn’t always easy. Change can be frightening & feel unpredictable. It’s like stepping off a cliff, not knowing what if anything will be there under your foot. It requires trust, faith, hope, love & acceptance in yourself, the process & your partner. It requires that you let go of what has been & what could have been in the old paradigm. You have to trust that what you are letting go of no longer serves you both. You have to trust that what you are stepping into is best & will serve you both eventually, whether you can see that right away or not. 

There were many times when the changes in our lives did not seem good in the moment. In looking back now, I can see that they served a divine purpose & they were best. I fought against some of those changes or my husband did but all of them turned into good for us eventually. If you have the patience to wait it out, good comes out of everything.  

While writing the vows for our wedding, I found the above poem & read it out loud during the ceremony. I’m not sure anyone could hear it though, through my tears & sobbing. The poem was so meaningful for me because I could feel the truth of it. We also played “our song” which was “Longer” by Dan Fogelberg. The first time I heard this song on the radio, I was at work at a part time job during college. I told my best friend, there and then, that this song was going to be in my wedding. I didn’t even know at the time who I was going to marry but I knew that this was “our” song.  


Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you

Stronger than any mountain cathedral
Truer than any tree ever grew
Deeper than any forest primeval
I am in love with you

I'll bring fire in the winters'
You'll send showers in the springs
We'll fly through the falls and summers 
With love on our wings

Through the years as the fire starts to mellow
Burning lines in the book of our lives
Though the binding cracks
And the pages start to yellow
I'll be in love with you
I'll be in love with you

Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you
I am in love with you                          

by Dan Fogelberg

I guess my point here is to trust what you know and let go of the rest. Trust that the rest will turn out in the best possible way for you & all concerned. That is the whole purpose for being here, I believe, is to manifest the best possible outcome for us all.

Love in the Light of God, Dawn