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Unity Prayer of Protection

Prayer of Protection

The Light of God Surrounds Me

The Love of God Enfolds Me

The Power of God Protects Me

The Presence of God Watches Over Me

Everywhere I Am, God Is

by James Dillet Freeman


The Unity Prayer above has been one of my go-to prayers for decades. I’ve used it for myself & for others, when I’ve been sick, afraid, stressed, worried, out of sorts. I’ve used it as a mantra in meditation. I’ve used it as I’ve been put under for surgeries, saying it over & over & over again. I can truly say it has been my salvation & my solace in this lifetime.

When my youngest grandson was in the hospital as an infant with RSV & the possibility of his death seemed very real, I prayed this prayer for him. There wasn’t much else I could do for him, I felt. The following is what happened when I said this prayer for him the first time in the hospital.

I said the first line & suddenly I saw an intense white ball of light all around him. I was surprised. In all my years of saying this prayer, I had never seen this happen before. When I said the second line, a soft pink translucent shimmery swirl came down wrapping around his body. I kept going & watching. When I said the third line, intense gold light cords came down from the top of the intense white ball of light wrapping it like gold cord on a Christmas ornament. When I said the forth line I saw a soft shimmery translucent column of light that looked like a mixture of white gold & yellow gold. It appeared over all. I knew that it reached everywhere. (It was after this experience that I started saying “from the core of the Earth to the Heart of God” in my statements & prayers because this is how big that column, the Presence of God column, was.) By this time, I was in tears & sobbing. From that time on, I have always envisioned the Unity Protection Prayer in this way, the way the Holy Spirit showed me when my grandson was so sick in the hospital. He recovered.

I’ve added to the prayer as needed but the vision stays the same. Sometimes I end it by saying: “And all is well and that’s the truth so help me God.” I always feel that with prayers sometimes they work best to be open & flexible in the moment & go with what you feel, hear, sense.

I’m a minister but not a Unity Minister, nevertheless, I’m very grateful to Unity for they helped me when I was younger (in my 20’s & 30’s) get on my path & move forward. They will always have a special place in my heart. For more information about Unity:

Unity World Headquarters

1901 NW Blue Parkway
Unity Village, MO 64065

Tel: 816-524-3550

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


Holy Spirit Speaks

“Dear Ones, the time has come to receive & ask. Open your hearts & hear. Listen to what I have to say. The Heavens & Earth are troubled & require your help. Step forward as you are called. Many are called but few answer the call. Answer the call. The call has been put forth to pray on behalf of Humanity & the Kingdoms of God. Whatever your beliefs, they pale by comparison to the call of God in your hearts to pray for your fellow man & woman. Pray for the vanquishment of evil everywhere. Pray that God & the forces of Good prevail everywhere. Pray that all of the Kingdoms of God are safe & protected from evil at every level. Pray that you are safe & protected from evil at every level. Pray that hope, faith, love, charity & compassion be returned to the hearts of all man/woman-kind. Pray that you be released from evil of every kind at every level. Pray for your children & their children. Pray. Pray. Pray. The Heavens are calling upon you, please heed this call.”

“I am the Holy Spirit.”

Daily Statements

Everything I have, everything I’m holding, everything I’m feeling that’s not my own stuff, I bundle it up, surround it with love & give it to God to heal.  (To clear yourself of what is not yours) (Breathe)

I ask for the Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer for myself, my home, household, property, neighborhood, family, pets & all persons, places & things in, on, near, around & connected to me everywhere, everyway God knows about from the core of the Earth to the heart of God down through the depths to the heights. (Breathe)

I ask for the New Area Prayers, the Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer, all the Work that I have done, all the Work that has been done on behalf of Humanity, the Kingdoms of God & this Creation for all the new areas & levels that I & my family have moved into, are moving into & will move into & for all that is coming in & being made available to us according to God’s Will & Timing through grace. (Breathe)

I ask for the Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer for my dreams, dream-state &  everywhere I am at night in my sleep & all persons, places, things, circumstances, events & situations connected or involved through all time & dimensions, known or unknown to me everywhere, every way God knows about.  (Breathe)

I ask for the Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer & all the Work that I have done & that has been done on behalf of Humanity, the Kingdoms of God & this Creation for my entire ancestry & all lineages I’m a part of & all that are a part of me all the way back & all the way forward in all the ways, times, levels, degrees, details & dimensions that are best for each individual & the whole, everywhere, every way God knows about. (Breathe)

I ask for Archangel Michael & His Legions & whoever else is best to stand guard within & around me & protect me everywhere that I am from all darkness, negativity, interference, evil & anything else less than Divine Love. (Breathe)

I accept through Grace all of the Guidance, Protection, Blessings, Abundance, Prosperity, Support, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Clarity, Discernment, Integrity, Compassion, Mercy, Grace, Peace, Courage, Love, Light, Truth, Faith, Hope, Joy & Healing made available to me in all the ways, times, levels, degrees, details & dimensions that are best for each individual part of me & the whole of me in God’s Will & Timing. (Breathe)

I accept that I Am loved, accepted & forgiven by God & therefore choose to love, accept & forgive myself & all others. (Breathe)

The Light of God Surrounds Me, The Love of God Enfolds Me, The Power of God Protects Me, The Presence of God Watches Over Me.  Everywhere I Am, God Is & All Is Well & That’s the Truth, So Help Me God.  World Without End, Amen.  (Light-white ball, Love-pink swirl wrapping around body, Power-gold strands wrapping down over white ball, Presence-column in white gold & yellow gold intermixing over all.)

I choose for the Presence of God, the Holy Spirit & my own True Divine Self to fill me in every part of me, especially every part that has lack, limitation, pain, discomfort, disease, disorder, dysfunction, disability, resistance, dread, fear, panic, grief & imbalance of any kind & their cause, the cause of the cause & the cause of the cause of the cause until all is clear, healed, aligned, balanced, blessed & whole in all that I am. (Breathe)

I choose for the Presence of God & the Holy Spirit to fill my Body, Mind, Energy & Consciousness at all levels & bring them back to a perfect state of health, to the perfect state they are in Heaven.  I am the Spirit of Love permeating form until all is Loving & Kind.  I love & accept my Body, Mind, Energy & Consciousness into wholeness & health now & always. (Breathe)

I choose to align, balance, integrate & ground in all the ways that are best to all of the energies, aspects, positions & configurations of the Earth, the Moon & its phases, the Sun, the Planets, the Stars & all of the Heavenly Bodies in all the ways, times, levels, degrees, details & dimensions that are best for each individual part & the whole of me. (Breathe)

I ask for all of my battery operated, solar powered, computerized, electrical, mechanical & gas/oil operated equipment be raised in vibration, healed, transformed & made exactly that which is highest & best for me & I surrender all to the Holy Spirit & specialists assigned by the Holy Spirit to maintain & monitor for me through grace. (Breathe)


I was asked by the Holy Spirit to post these statements today. They are ones that I have said many, many times over the years for myself & others. I still say them today. I have taught them to my daughter, my grandchildren & others. Some were given to me directly by Spirit, some I adapted from other sources & some were given to me by others on the path. The Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer, however, is a massive, massive prayer that exists only in Heaven that I & several others in my spiritual group created with the guidance of the Holy Spirit for over 25 years now. Every once in awhile, the Holy Spirit guides us to request that it be added to & so one or more of us asks for this. In the beginning, I knew exactly what this prayer cleared because we had it written down but after awhile it got so long that we began calling upon the prayer by it’s name: “The Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer.” So when anyone calls upon this prayer, they are invoking over 25 years of cleaning, clearing, healing, restoration, protection & forgiveness that I & others have done with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is what is commonly known as Grace. There is no reason for the wheel to have to be reinvented over & over again by each individual that needs it. This is my belief & I’m holding to it. So I invite you to call upon this prayer frequently for yourself & your loved ones & for any other purpose you are called to invoke it for. May God Bless us all.

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


Holy Spirit Prayer For A New World

“The Grace of God flows out over the World and clears all that it touches.”

“The Grace of God clears greed from the Hearts of Mankind and replaces it with Love.”

“The Grace of God clears hate from the Minds of Mankind and replaces it with Love.”

“The Grace of God clears jealousy and envy, betrayal and aggression from the Actions of Mankind and replaces these with Love.”

“Love is all that is needed in the Hearts, Minds and Actions of Mankind and Womankind the World over and so it is.”


The above prayer is an interpretation that I heard after I prayed on behalf of the World. I had asked the Holy Spirit to pray through me because I was at a loss as to what to pray. First COVID, and then the many and varied reactions to COVID and now the aftermath of grief and violence stemming from the violence that led to the death of an innocent. Somehow I keep expecting that everyone will step forward into their best selves and let go of the past and it’s racism, inequality, injustice, blame, unforgiveness, hate and greed. And somehow this hasn’t happened yet and the racism, inequality, injustice, blame, unforgiveness, hate and greed just continue to contaminate our lives, our relationships, our bodies, our world and our environment. So many speak of saving our world and the environment but what is the use of this if all the rest remains contaminated?

What if establishing equality, justice, forgiveness, love, balance and altruism within and between ourselves automatically led to an environmentally balanced World? Somehow I feel sure that it would. Until then may the Holy Spirit keep praying for us.

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


The Dream State


There is so much to say about the dream state that I hardly know where to start.  This may take several posts but at the risk of losing my readers, I think I will need to start with the dream state as real & literal.  The typical understanding of the dream state & dreams in general is that they are the result of the subconscious & the brain playing out & processing all that has happened during the day.  I don’t dispute this at all.  Test subjects, deprived of dream state sleep, quickly become psychotic.  Another understanding is that dreams are a way for your subconscious to communicate to the conscious mind via symbols or metaphors.  Again, I agree.  I own a dream dictionary entitled simply “Dream Dictionary” by Tony Crisp that is decent (although not my favorite.)  I recommend that everyone have a good one in their personal reference library as a dream interpretation book is an excellent tool for discovering yourself.  Not only is it useful for interpreting dreams but I also use it to interpret the happenings in my waking life as well.  I firmly believe that spirit uses our waking life just as easily as our sleeping life to talk to us.  Other books useful for this purpose include:  “Heal Your Body-the Mental Causes for Physical Illness” by Louise Hay,  “Permanent Healing” by Daniel R. Condron, “Feelings Buried Alive Never Die” by Karol K. Truman, “Love Is In The Earth” by Melody  & both of the “Animal-Speak”  books & “Nature-Speak” by Ted Andrews. 

To consider the dream state as real & literal is a little bit farther out there, so to speak.  You may not think of dreams as being about or taking place in actual literal places, planes of existence, other dimensions, other lives but consider how often you hear of someone receiving a warning in a dream that comes true or having a dream about an event that then happens in the physical.  You can probably remember an instance in which this has happened to you or someone you know.  I’ve had many such dreams of prophecy.  Of course, I realize that such dreams can be explained away by the idea that your subconscious is aware of things & is communicating them to the conscious mind via dreams.  However, I’ve relived & experienced past lives in my dreams.  I’ve visited family members that have passed over.  I’ve woken up in my dreams.  There is a book that I still have entitled “Lucid Dreaming” by Stephen La Berge.  I first read it more than 20 years ago & immediately began having dreams in which I was “lucid” or “awake”.  In such a state, you feel completely awake, aware & physical in your dreams which is the most amazing thing as it’s nearly impossible to tell that you aren’t awake in the physical.  The basic idea in the book is to ask your self many times during the day if you are awake & then test the question by choosing to float.  If you are unable to float then you know that you are awake in this 3rd dimensional reality where it is not possible to float but if you float then you realize that you are actually dreaming & it is this realization that has the potential to wake you up in that dream.  By asking your self these questions during the day when of course you know that you are awake, eventually you will think to ask your self during a dream.  Waking up in a dream is not the same thing as being aware that you are dreaming.  It is very possible to be aware that you are dreaming & yet not actually wake up in the dream.  To wake up in a dream, is to be fully present in the body that is in that dream.  You will know when you have succeeded because you will feel completely physical & the dream will feel completely physical.  What I have noticed about waking up in a dream, once you have realized that you are dreaming, is a feeling of being drawn forward into the dream & into your body in the dream.  Alternately, as you become more proficient, you may simply be awake in your bed one minute & awake in a dream the next & move from one dream to another fully awake & present in each.  Typically, this tends to cause me to wake up in bed multiple times in between or during the lucid dreams. 

So, how does lucid dreaming illustrate that dreams are possibly real experiences & literally taking place in other dimensions, realities or planes of existence outside of our physical awareness?  Well, experiencing a lucid dream is pretty convincing by itself but what clinched it for me, was many years later after my first experience of lucid dreaming, when I began to have Out-Of-Body-Experiences (OOBE’s).  In an OOBE, you experience the process of leaving your physical body in another body, usually traveling to another place.  OOBE’s feel equally as physical as lucid dreams & once out of my physical body, I could not discern any difference between them.  Everything that I’ve experienced during a dream or a lucid dream, I have also experienced during an OOBE.  I’ve experienced past lives in my dreams as well as during lucid dreams & OOBE’s.  Likewise, I’ve visited family members in all three formats.  These experiences led me to wonder if lucid dreams are actually OOBE’s minus the awareness of leaving the physical body.  And I wonder, also, if dreams are experiences taking place somewhere that you experience in a less conscious manner than OOBE’s or lucid dreaming – like watching a live soap opera on television versus actually being in a play on stage.

If you accept the possibility that your dreams are real experiences just as your physical life is a real experience, then you can see that your dreams need your prayer & healing just as much as your waking life.  In fact, I feel that your dream life can often illustrate your wounds even clearer than you could be aware of otherwise.  By treating your dreams as your own true experiences & doing your work to heal them, you heal yourself & possibly prevent those undesirable prophecies from coming true.  The dream state is a magical place & is much simpler to heal than here.  Anytime I wake up from an unpleasant dream, especially, I pray:  “I ask for the Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer * for this dream & for all persons, places, things, events, circumstances & situations involved & I surrender this to the Holy Spirit & specialists who are best to do all that is best for me through grace at all levels everywhere continuously and in divine timing, amen.” It is often a good idea to interpret the dream both symbolically with the help of a counselor &/or a dream dictionary & also literally & heal with prayers & forgiveness work.  By doing your spiritual work on issues illustrated by your dreams, you probably prevent them from becoming a reality in your physical life & lessen the problems you already have.  For those who do not remember dreams, I recommend  saying the above prayer every morning when you awake with the following added to it:  * “for all of my dreams & everywhere I’ve been at night during my sleep & for all persons, places, etc.” & continue as above.

To encourage your remembrance of dreams, it is helpful to leave a pen & notebook by your bed with the expectation that you will write down any little glimmer.  As you commit to writing what you do remember, you will be encouraging your self to remember with more detail until you will be good at dream recall.  Another trick to recalling your dreams, is to not move when you wake up as remaining in the same position that you were in while dreaming seems to help you recall the most recent dream.  Rather than immediately moving or getting out of bed, lie there for awhile & see what you can remember.  It’s not unusual for it to take several minutes for the dream to come to you.  I have a theory about this as well.  I have often been aware when returning from an OOBE that while I (my consciousness) has returned to my body in bed immediately, the body that I (my consciousness) has been traveling in, is much slower to return.  It seems that body has the memory & sometimes I don’t consciously remember anything until I feel that body rejoin my physical body.  It’s a very distinctive subtle feeling of humming.  I have also noticed this humming when awakening from dreams & not just after OOBE’s.  Once the humming stops, I can suddenly remember the dream or the OOBE.

Are our dreams actually OOBE’s?  I don’t know for sure but from my experience it certainly seems a possibility.  I would love to hear about your experiences of the dream state.

Live, Love & Laugh in the Light of God 🙂




Our Mental Selves & Fear


I’ve been feeling stressed lately.  For over 3 years now, I have had to deal with a family member who is convinced that I am not family & who has been very vocal & aggressive about it.  It has not been pretty.  It has been pretty nerve-wracking & worrisome because their perception of reality does not coincide with mine.  This situation has brought up a lot of fear in me that I’ve worked on pretty regularly for the last 3+ years through my prayer & emotional work.  It has caused me to question my version of events, my truth, my beliefs, my perceptions.  I have feared that I am creating negative consequences for myself & for others by my continuing to interact with & participate in this discord.  Like Job, I have feared that I must have done something wrong since this is happening to me.  I have feared that my version of events, my reality is wrong since someone else has such a different version.  At times, I have feared that I am crazy.  Believe me, there is nothing more crazy-making than having someone in your life who is convinced that what you think is reality is not real!  I’m pretty sure I’ve seen more than one movie using this ploy in the script. 

While this is an unusual example, you can probably think of times you have been anxious, worried or fearful when, like my situation, it was not due to an animal attack.  I bring up animal attack because this is the classic example given when describing fear & the “fight or flight” stress response of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).  The ANS triggers the “fight or flight” stress response which readies the body to fight or flee from danger.  There aren’t too many animal attacks happening in the course of most people’s lives these days but we still seem to experience plenty of anxiety, worry, fear, stress & the resulting ANS activation.  Most of us are not daily fighting or fleeing for our lives but rather dealing with long term, low level stress due to intractable people & situations such as my own example above. 

Now you may be wondering why I am talking about fear & anxiety under the heading of “Our Mental Selves” rather than “Our Emotional Selves” so let me digress & explain where I’m coming from.  While fear is an emotion & therefore more a part of our emotional self, anxiety can be thought of as a mental emotion or state arising from our mental self as can despair, probably.  Generally, for the purpose of our discussion, consider that ideas, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, words & some attitudes & emotions are a part of the mental self. 

Today, people are more likely to experience unrelenting, long term worry & anxiety versus temporary outright fear for their lives.  So, while the emotional self’s fear of impending doom can definitely trigger the “fight or flight” stress response of the ANS, so can the mental self’s experience of worry & anxiety.  Worry is an activity of the mind & the mental self that often triggers anxiety & fear & therefore the stress response.  What you may not realize is that worry & anxiety over something currently happening, something that has already happened or something that might happen in the future will all have the same effect.  While you may realize that what you’re worrying about isn’t actually happening right now, this minute, your body does not & will activate the ANS as though you are being chased down the street by danger.  This is what makes the long term, low level stress of the mental type especially destructive because there is no immediate resolution as there would be with a single, sudden, frightening event.  The mental type of stress & resulting ANS activation could literally last for years instead of seconds.  A lot has been made of the self-created stress of the “Type A” personality but I’m pretty certain that whether or not you are a “Type A” doesn’t matter nearly as much as the length of time you are stressed.  A typical “Type A” blows up & moves on – the mental equivalent of being chased down the street by danger.  As long as this isn’t happening on a daily basis, probably not beyond the ability of the body to recover.  But what about the family members of this person?  Not too many people can take the blow-ups of others & move on so they are left with stewing over the previous blow-ups & worrying about & dreading the next blow-up, walking on eggshells trying to prevent it.

So what is the solution?  Quit worrying!  The upsetting thoughts rattling around & movies playing over & over again in your mind/brain/mental self are completely unproductive & usually move you no closer to any sort of resolution.  Instead, surrender them to the Holy Spirit in prayer each & every time you find yourself back in the rut of fretting & worrying.  I have also in contemplation, gone before God with a basket or apron full of eggs & one by one handed them over naming the person, worry or upsetting situation that each represents, letting go & letting God.  I figure putting all of your eggs in one basket is a good thing if you are handing it over to God.  This technique works especially well at bedtime before falling asleep.  Another thing you can do is forgive each thought as it occurs.  Since your thoughts direct your energy (energy follows thought), by forgiving each & every thought you have that isn’t best, over time you create an energy of peace & quiet within yourself.  The negative thoughts die down & what you are left with is your divine self that God created you to be.  An amazing side effect of this is that you will have created the space within you in which the Holy Spirit can be present & communicate with you.   This is infinitely more satisfying than the out of control fear, worry & anxiety & the resulting stress & ill health that thinking negative thoughts & scenarios creates.  This is what will resolve the stressful problems in your life.  This is what will move you forward into a better life.

Live, Love & Laugh in the Light of God

Dawn 🙂



God As Mother


In July, I was watching a movie called “Gladiator” starring Russell Crowe.  Near the beginning of the movie is a scene with his character, Maximus, kneeling before a makeshift altar after battle holding carved wood figures of his wife & child left behind at home.  He begins to pray.  “Ancestors, I ask for your guidance.  Blessed Mother come to me with the Gods desire for my future.  Blessed Father watch over my wife & son with a ready sword.  Whisper to them I live only to hold them again.  Ancestors, I honor you & will try to live with the dignity you’ve taught me.” 

I am only vaguely familiar with ancient Roman beliefs but I was really touched by the devotion I could feel in this prayer & it brought tears to my eyes.  Especially Maximus addressing his “Blessed Mother” which probably referred to his physical mother who had passed over since it appeared that this prayer was addressed to his ancestors.  As I didn’t realize this at first, I thought he was addressing his prayer to God as his Mother & to God as his Father.  This resonated deeply in my heart.  I have been raised in a primarily patriarchal culture that views, addresses & worships God as Father to the exclusion of God as Mother despite the fact that we are all created in God’s image & likeness & half of us are female.  Hearing Maximus address God specifically as his “Blessed Mother” with so much respect, humility & devotion made me realize what I am missing in my prayers & in my relationship with God.  For while I usually begin my prayers with “Dear Mother Father God,” they are still primarily addressed to God as Father since that is how I have been raised to think of God.  My adding “Mother” to the address has been my effort to counter the limitation that I have felt for a very long time. 

I remember the first time I saw a picture of God.  Well, not really God but someone’s vision of Melchizedek who is spoken of in the old testament bible.  He was depicted with deep piercing blue eyes & glowing white hair & figure.  I recognized him immediately.  This was the God of my childhood.  This was the God I’ve known as long as I have memory.  This was the God I’d seen as a child.  I imagine we all have images of God.  Unfortunately, our images can limit our perception of God & therefore limit our prayers & our relationship to God.  This is possibly one of the reasons for the commandment to not make graven images.  If only it were that easy!  What images of God do you carry around?  How do  your images control or limit you & your relationship to God?

For myself, this movie made me look at my images of God & decide that I have missed out on a fuller experience of God by unconsciously assuming that God is only my “Blessed Father”. 

In my home, I have an altar area in a corner.  Hanging above a small table on the left is my favorite depiction of Jesus the Christ in a gold & black frame, below it hangs an ornate gold & black cross.  On the right is an equally ornate silver, gold & ivory cross above a framed prayer.  I have been aware for many years now that the framed prayer is simply holding the space until the right picture to replace it comes along.  I have looked for this picture for years.  Temporarily, I found a black & white picture of Mother Mary cut out of the local newspaper that I particularly liked so that has been stuck in a corner of the prayer frame.  Well, exactly a month after “Gladiator” aired on TV, I finally found the right picture in a gift shop at St. Mary’s – Mary in an ornate gold antiqued silver frame.  Am I Catholic?  No, but for Christians, what better role model than Mother Mary & Mary the Magdalen.  Both of which this picture perfectly captures as well as what I felt when Maximus prayed to his “Blessed Mother”.  Have I replaced my old image of God with Jesus the Christ & Mary?  No but I feel that I have finally begun to expand my perception of God.

May You Live, Love & Laugh in the Light of God, Dawn  


Our Subconscious Selves


Our Subconscious Self encompasses that part of our selves that we are not aware of consciously.  This aspect of our selves can be seen in others, however & this is one of the blessings of our relationships.  Sometimes, others are in our lives to show us our subconscious selves & issues as well as other aspects of our selves so that we can heal them.  Otherwise, we would be clueless as to what lies there & therefore clueless as to what is causing some of our problems.  So, embrace your relationship challenges for they are here to serve you & your healing journey on this planet.  Oftentimes, we strive to ignore what is bothering us in others because of feeling guilty about how we feel about them.  Once you recognize that they are you in a way, in a level of you that you are unaware of, then you can be grateful to them for showing you your self.  How would you know otherwise?  Make a list of everyone in your life that you are uncomfortable with, can’t stand to be with, are upset with or disagree with & then look at each one on the list & accept that they are you at the subconscious level or in some aspect of your self, showing you your self.  Be grateful that they are in your life showing you your self & pray for healing for them for as you do you pray for your self.  This is one of the more difficult concepts to understand & accept.  All of us walking around in different bodies makes it look as though we are completely independent of each other, completely separate from each other, completely different from each other.  It obscures the reality that we are all one.

A few years ago, I was in meditation.  It was a guided meditation led by a mentor but within just a few minutes of starting, the Holy Spirit took me in a different direction.  I don’t remember how the meditation was meant to begin but what I saw was a clear glass bowl of water upon which appeared a paper origami swan.  Suddenly the bowl disappeared from view & I was looking down onto the surface of a body of water at a living swan.  I began to be moved backwards toward the sky & as this happened what I could see in my field of vision expanded.  What had been a bowl of water now looked to be a pond & then a lake & then an ocean & then I began being pulled back ever more quickly as the United States came into view & then all of the Americas.  This continued on & there was the planet earth & the moon.  The sun & solar system soon appeared.  The feeling of rushing back intensified as I continued to be pulled away.  Soon the sun began to look like a star just like all the other stars in the cosmos & then I could see our galaxy & then it became smaller as other galaxies came into view.  Finally, in my field of vision, all I could see was an infinite black field filled with galaxies & as I continued to move backwards, farther & farther away, all of the galaxies converged to became just a single spot of light before me.  It was at this point that a very, very deep voice reverberated through me, saying “ALL ONE.” 

I wish I could convey the intensity of this experience fully, especially the voice of God at the end.  I’m glad for the opportunity to write about it, to remember it again.  It’s all too easy to buy into the false appearance of the physical that we are all separate, different, disconnected, independent from each other & have no need for each other.  This spiritual experience was a reminder to me that, despite what appears to be the truth in the physical, we are one.

By accepting that we are one, you open the way to healing your self & your subconscious self.  You may think that what others have done to you is unforgivable & that you could not possibly be guilty of doing to anyone what they have done to you.  I’m here to tell you that it is possible.  We wear our issues like the clown that has the sign on his back that says “Kick Me!”  We attract to our selves what we have said, done, thought, felt or believed whether we can remember it or not & whether we are aware of it or not.  This is where others play their part & come to our rescue by reading the sign & kicking us!  So if others are doing unto you what you don’t want done, then more likely than not, you have only yourself to blame & believe it or not, this is a good thing.  The alternative is that you are just unlucky, cursed, being unfairly picked on or a victim.  Taking responsibility for all that happens to you & your reaction to it puts the ball in your court.  What’s even more amazing is that when you take full responsibility for your self, the universe moves to deliver you from what you are holding that has been attracting all the abuse.  My favorite way of taking responsibility is through prayer & forgiveness work (Emotional Attunement).  These two methods have proven themselves over & over again to be effective at removing the “Kick Me” signs no matter the cause or the source of them.

What you will find when you have fully forgiven yourself & others for their part, is Divine Unconditional Love, Peace & Healing.  You may think this is not possible because of what has been done to you.  You may feel that others don’t deserve to be forgiven.  You may believe that it’s not in your power to forgive but I tell you that it is in your power because in doing so you release yourself from bondage.  You also help release others from their bondage.  When I was little, I was molested many times by my grandfather.  Fortunately for me, this was not the grandpa who raised me.  As I got older, I got better at avoiding him & preventing further abuse.  He passed over when I was 16 years old, much to my relief at the time & I have not seen him until just recently.  Needless to say, I had years of traditional therapy as a teenager & in my 30’s interspersed with a lot of nontraditional forms of therapy through the years.  A few years ago, I realized that I had finally healed from the abuse, had fully forgiven him & let it go.  I thought no more of it until about a month ago when I saw him in the dream state when I was visiting my grandma (his wife).  She passed over a little over 20 years ago & I’ve visited her in the dream state many times but she was always either alone or with other family members.  I was completely shocked, therefore, to see my grandfather with her this time. This was the first time I’d seen him in over 35 years. He was almost unbelievably transformed – loving, happy, healthy & whole. What was even more shocking to me was that, as I stood before him, I realized that not only had I forgiven him (which I already knew) but that I loved him!  Not at any point when he was alive, did I ever feel that I loved him.  I hugged him then & told him I loved him & in my mind I told him that I’d forgiven him.  I didn’t say that I’d forgiven him aloud because I’m never quite sure what is remembered, known or understood by others at that level.

I am not sharing this to show how enlightened I am, to gain sympathy or to impress anyone but to impress on you that forgiving others is in your power to do & to point out that if I can forgive my grandfather then you can forgive those who’ve hurt you as well.  I know that forgiving him transformed me, did my forgiving him transform him as well?

Love, Dawn


Our Spiritual Selves


For me, sometimes, living in the physical has been like standing in the bottom of a very deep, very dark , very empty well yelling, “Hello!  Is anyone there?  Can you hear me?”  And all I could hear was the sound of my own voice echoing back at me.

Other times, it’s been like having one foot in the physical & one foot in spirit, feeling homesick, torn, divided & separated between the two.

Occasionally, it’s been like heaven.

There is very little guidance for most of us on how to heal & unify our spiritual self & our physical self.  How to bring our physical lives into alignment with our spiritual lives.  How to live a spiritual life in the physical.  What does that even look like?  Maybe saying prayers before bed as in our childhood?  Maybe saying grace before meals?  Going to church on Sunday?  Is that all there is to living a spiritual-physical life?  Probably not.  I suspect that very few people walking the planet today have fully integrated their spiritual self into their physical life & body.  I suspect that all of our lives would be very, very, very different from how they are right now if we were fully living as spiritual beings in the physical.  It has been one of my personal goals in life to work on this conundrum.  I know that I can tell you that I have struggled with it for almost as long as I can remember.  Maybe you have, too.  Or maybe you gave up long ago.  Whatever the case may be, stick around awhile longer & lets talk about our spiritual self & what it means to live a spiritual life in the physical.

I can look around & tell you what living a spiritual life is not about.  My daughter woke up one morning recently to the sound of a car crash.  She ran outside & a neighbor told her that someone had hit her car & driven off – a hit & run.  Thinking that the other car might not have made it very far, my son-in-law went walking & sure enough, there it was about a block away with their car’s tell-tale gas cap embedded in it.  Oh, & did I mention that it was also sporting the Christian fish emblem on the back?  I’m pretty sure that if the driver had stopped & asked Spirit, “WWJD?” the answer wouldn’t have been “RUN!”  Why did they run?  They were probably drunk & didn’t want to get a DUI.  Or maybe it was a joy ride & not their own car or maybe they’re here illegally or they were driving without a license, without insurance or the car had stolen plates.  Whatever the reason, I can tell you that living a spiritual life means walking your talk, even when it’s difficult,  inconvenient, expensive or uncomfortable.  This is an extreme example but it illustrates the physical-spiritual split that exists in the day to day lives of many people.  What’s the solution?  Well, if you can’t live up to the dictates of your chosen religion, then you might want to choose another one.  Choose another one?!!!  Yes!!!  It’s more important for your insides & your outsides to match than it is for you to fit in with your culture, your family or any external standard, expectation or institution.  It’s nearly impossible for you to heal & integrate your spiritual self & your physical self if they are at odds with one another.  Bring them into alignment with one another & you can move mountains.

Of course, this may be easier said than done.  There are a lot of factors involved in aligning your insides & your outsides as I so elegantly call it.  What feels right on the outside may not be right on the inside & vice-versa.  As with other aspects, believe it or not, your spiritual self can be wounded & damaged.  There is an idea that gets thrown around in some circles that offers an explanation. “Any degree of separation (from God, self, source) can leave an opening for darkness.” Darkness, negativity, evil, interference, wrong-doing, mistakes, lack, limitation, misunderstandings, distortions, etc. can all be seen as different sides of the same coin.  The end result is the same – problems in the physical.  In fact, you can look at your physical body, life, experiences & relationships to determine the nature & current state of affairs of any or all of your aspects including your spiritual self.  Many times, by simply healing the different aspects of yourself, you can greatly improve all aspects of your physical experience.  That is one of the blessings of being physical.  You get the opportunity to perceive what’s wrong & also the opportunity to do something about it!  So, you’re wondering, how do you heal your spiritual self?  I’m glad you asked.  First off, you need to learn to discern your spiritual self.

Think of your spiritual self as a body very like your physical body that is not confined by physical laws, gravity or 3 dimensional reality.  This part of you has the ability to span time, distance, space.  It has the ability to be with God.  I tend to think of the spiritual self as almost like a bridge between the physical & the spiritual realms.  It is a part of you here but is also a part of God, therefore, making time to connect to God connects you with your spirit.  Pursuing spiritual practices will also nurture your spiritual self.  I would go so far as to say that just simply taking the time, daily, to acknowledge & pay attention to God & Spirit would increase your awareness of your spiritual self, strengthen your connection to your spirit & lead you to incorporate more of your spirit into your physical experience.  You will possibly never perceive spirit if you never open your self up to the possibility of perceiving spirit.  All it takes is willingness on your part.  I know Spirit is just waiting.

Many techniques that heal other aspects can be used to heal your spiritual self such as meditation, prayer & forgiveness work.  These spiritual practices, & many others that have evolved over thousands of years through thousands of religions & spiritual traditions, are now at your fingertips.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to locate what is right for you. You could go to a different house of worship every weekend of the year & probably not run out of religions to explore in your area.  Explore on the internet.  Attend classes at the local library & check out spiritual & religious books, videos, CD’s & DVD’s while you’re there.  Look everywhere with the expectation that  Spirit will help you every step of the way.  Open your self up to God & Spirit by assuming that you are never alone & talk out loud (or in your mind if others are around!) to Spirit.  Ask questions, ask for help & expect that you are being heard & that you will be answered.  You will know when you have found what you are looking for because it will bring you joy & peace.  Your spiritual practice & belief system should feed & nurture you physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually & energetically.  You should not have to force yourself, be bored or unduly stressed by it.  It should naturally flow as a part of you because you are a unique child of God, having a unique relationship with Spirit, walking your talk as only you can.

Love, Dawn


Our Energetic Selves


Some of us are canaries in the mine shaft.  You know who you are.  You get sick at the first sign of emotional distress or stress of any kind.  You can’t stand some kinds of music, or people, or places.  You can’t trust yourself to keep appointments or plans because you never know what the day will bring until it’s here.  You listen to others & wonder what they’re talking about because you can’t seem to pay attention to the verbal input along with all the other input happening.  You feel overwhelmed by crowds & large public places.  The energy of everything & everyone around you is impacting you & making it nearly impossible to function.  This is the life of someone who is sensitive to energy.  You may not recognize energy consciously but at other levels, you are very aware of it.  Sometimes it can be so overwhelming that it submerges physical senses.  Sometimes it feels so physical that you can’t be sure whether it’s physical & real or not.  You may question your sanity.  Others may question your sanity.  This would be your energetic self.  For some of us, the energetic self is awakened & aware & this is the cause of the canary experience.  Believe it or not, it’s a gift.  The curse would be not knowing what it is, what to do with it or how to handle it.  Once you get a handle on it, the gift begins. 

Gifts can start out seeming to be a curse.  This one is no exception.  It calls you to pay attention to your surroundings.  It necessitates making adjustments in how you live your life compared to how others are living their lives.  It requires that you listen.  It requires that you heed, especially if you want to be able to function.  The gift begins, once you begin to appreciate, value & utilize the information that it makes available to you.  Many gifts are obvious both in presentation & in utilization but this one takes some getting used to.  To begin with, our culture doesn’t recognize energy per se so you’re pretty much left to your own devices to figure out what’s going on.  Then to top it off, much of this gifts’ manifestations look like illness or some medical problem which can send you running from doctor to doctor trying to pin down & fix “what’s wrong.”  Even if you manage to identify something & apply “fixes” to it, you never seem to realize the degree of relief that others with the same diagnosis seem to enjoy.  Finally, if you do manage to manage the manifestations (!), you are left with what to do with it.  After all, gifts are given & realized for a reason.

The gift of being aware of energy, enables you to consciously work with energy.  Energy is all around & within everything & everyone.  It can be moved, cleared & manipulated in many ways, allowing balance to be restored in bodies, homes, land, buildings, businesses & the list could go on.  The more obvious ways of working with energy are in the healing modalities such as laying-on-of-hands, Reiki, Magnified Healing, Therapeutic Touch, Acupuncture & also Feng Shui, which is concerned with healing the energy in homes & buildings.  Designers, decorators, architects, builders & landscapers all work with energy whether they are aware of it or not.  Most people work with energy unknowingly.  Any time you clean your house, organize a closet, plant flowers you are affecting energy in a positive way.  The following are ways to positively affect your energy:

  • Yoga is particularly excellent for your energy & energetic self.  As with all exercise, yoga helps you process your energy so that your energy flows evenly but additionally, it also helps release blocks which reduces stress & supports your health & the healing process.
  • Accupuncture & Accupressure both work directly on your energy pathways (called meridians) & balance the flow & release blocks in that flow.
  • Energywork:  Try a Reiki or Magnified Healing session with a reputable practitioner or take a class & learn how to work with energy yourself!
  • Clean, Declutter & Organize:  This is one of the simplest ways to positively affect your energy as well as that of  your family & others entering your home, your office, your car & any other space.  A story will illustrate.  I was raised by my grandparents & when I was younger, my grandmother managed to control the house & the chaos she created by being a hoarder.  But as I got older, she began running out of space & as the possessions took over the house, it became more & more difficult to clean the house or keep it organized.  When I was around 12 years old, I began waking up in the middle of the night with what would now be called panic attacks.  At first, I thought I was waking up to get sick but as it began to happen several nights a week, I soon realized that I wasn’t getting sick.  I would lay in bed breathing deeply until the panic attack would pass & I could go back to sleep.  This continued weekly for 7 more years until I moved out.  The panic attacks stopped the day I moved out & never returned.  This is an example of how the energy of your home can affect you, if you’re sensitive to energy.  Even if you think that your clutter & dirt are not causing you problems, I guarantee you that they are.
  • Decorate:  Decorating your home is a fun way to create good energy in your home.
  • Prayer:  I’ve already devoted a post to prayer but I want to add here that prayer affects your energetic self & your energy because “energy follows thought.”  As an example, most of my clients come to me with what feels like static in the field around their bodies, especially from the hips down. This static is less-than-best-energy that they have picked up from other people, places & things. In the past, I would sweep their field from the top of their heads to below their feet many, many times before the static would be cleared.  Now, I have them say one statement to clear their field: “Everything I have, everything I’m holding, everything I’m feeling that’s not my own stuff, I bundle it up, surround it with love & give it to God to heal.” Then breathe in & out, letting it go & it’s gone.  In a similar way, you can clear places & spaces by asking for it.  I have for many years now, prayed places clear that I visit.  By doing so, I bless my self  & others with clearer energy in our environment.  So the next time you are out & about, say:  “I ask for the complete cleaning, clearing, healing, restoration, protection & forgiveness of this (name of the space/place) & all persons, places & things in, on, near, around & connected to it according to God’s highest divine will & timing for each individual & for the whole” & end it however you prefer to end prayers & breathe.
  • For a better understanding of yourself if this post describes you, read the book by Elaine N Aron, Ph.D. “The Highly Sensitive Person”

There is so much more I could say about energy but it will have to wait for another post.  In the meantime, exercise, clean, organize & pray yourself & your environment clear for a Happy New Year!

Love, Dawn


Our Selves


My main purpose for this blog, is to address spiritual experiences but as a self-professed health nut, I can’t ignore all the rest.  To ignore all the rest, is to se  e only a small fraction of ourselves.  We are so incredibly multifaceted, complex & wonderfully made, that to ignore any part of us is a grave mistake having serious consequences.  In order to be truly whole, healthy & happy, we need to become aware of & address the issues of every part of our selves including our spiritual, physical, emotional, mental, energetic & subconscious selves, leaving nothing out.  It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all that we are & all that we can perceive & this is probably what drives us to find a magic bullet cure, a quick fix, a simple answer.  I have been as guilty of this as anyone but I have discovered along the way that, usually, there is no one simple answer to the questions of life or to the problems in our lives.  So, if I only write about spiritual experiences in this blog, I will be doing Spirit, myself & you a disservice. For this reason, this website & my posts will encompass the full spectrum of our selves & our lives as spiritual beings having a physical experience.   After all, there’s more to us than meets the eye.

This is the first in a series of posts dealing with the different aspects of our selves & how best to heal them.  That I know of so far, I will be covering our emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, energetic & subconscious selves.  I am not suggesting that this is all that we are or even that we literally have an emotional self, a mental self, etc.  We are in reality, much more complicated than this but I am dividing our selves up into manageable, descriptive bits so that we can talk about them.

In many ways, we are like a house divided against itself.  How much can we accomplish in a day, a month, a year, a lifetime,  if much of our energy is spent struggling against our selves?  This is what happens when every part of our self is not in agreement.  Conflicting needs & agendas are created by unhealed traumas, wounds & issues, past experiences, misunderstandings, damaging beliefs, unclear perceptions, false ideas, negative thoughts, emotional baggage & many other things.  As a result, we are unable to perceive ourselves clearly let alone know what we truly need or want according to the desires of our hearts planted there by God.  Then there are all the external influences throughout our life that affect us such as our family, friends, teachers, caregivers & co-workers, our home, environment & culture, our relationships & connections to others, books we’ve read, movies we’ve watched & so on & so forth.  These pull us every which way & can make it difficult to move forward in our life.  Additionally, there is the chaos & confusion generated when we take on things that are not ours to take on, things that are not who God created us to be.  All of this, successfully separates us from our true selves, our wholeness, our true hearts desires & God’s purpose for us.  From this perspective, it can be clearly seen, that true healing requires that we address all aspects of our selves.

What can be done to heal & become whole?  The best & first answer to this question is, “Ask to be healed.”  This should always be the first step before doing anything – remember Matthew 7:7-8 (on my “Wisdom” page)? By asking, we bring the power of our words & our will to bear on our lives, we give permission to God & Spirit to help us, we admit to ourselves that we can’t do it all & that we need help, we open our selves to accept that help & we become willing to be healed.  Asking removes obstacles to our healing.  Asking removes obstacles of every kind & believe me, we are full of obstacles.

Unsure of how to ask for help?  There is no one special formula for everyone.  It’s best to experiment, trying many methods, until you hit upon what works for you.  What I have found is that the below methods can all work.  It’s a good idea to hold the intent for the less traditional forms of asking/prayer that you are talking to Spirit.

  • Traditional Prayer:  This is probably the form of asking or prayer that is most familiar.  This can be a formal memorized prayer or an informal made-up-as-you-go prayer directed to God & said kneeling with hands clasped before you.
  • Beg & Plead Prayers:  This is one of my favorite forms because it has a good track record of working for me.  I know it isn’t necessarily Spirit’s favorite.  I know this because, more than once, I have been told that “Begging & pleading isn’t necessary” & Spirit one time actually said to me while I was in the midst of this prayer, “Enough with the begging & pleading!” So, it would appear, that it isn’t necessary from Spirit’s viewpoint to beg & plead but I think it can be necessary for us.  We are one of the biggest obstacles to receiving what we need & ask.  I think that by passionately praying in this way, we convince ourselves of our need, our sincerity & our worthiness to receive.  I think this kind of prayer also helps us overcome ego, arrogance, stubbornness & willfulness-major obstacles to moving forward on our path & into wholeness.  If you have children (or have seen children in a store!) then you already know how to pull off this prayer.  Just think of the last time your kids or maybe you as a kid, begged & pleaded for some special favor.
  • Meditation/Contemplation:  I consider this to be a form of prayer because it encourages communion with Spirit.  Where there is communion with God, there is communication – the very definition of prayer.  It can be helpful to set an intent for the meditation or to say a prayer before meditating if you have a specific need.  This form of prayer also teaches a very special skill that will serve you well if you desire to hear Spirit, that of learning to be still so that you can hear “the still small voice.”
  • Journal:  Keeping a diary or journal is a less traditional method but can easily be adapted to our purpose of asking by simply directing it to God & Spirit.  This method is especially helpful for getting the noise out of your head which can lead to feeling more peaceful & centered.  Many times, once everything is on paper, you know exactly what you need to do.  Writing can bring clarity to your mind & heart & offers another way to learn to hear Spirit.
  • Talk out loud or in your mind to Spirit/God:  I consider that much of my day is spent in prayer because I am often talking in my mind to God or Spirit as I go about my daily life.  Sometimes, I am specific about who I am talking to but often it is just to whoever is with me.  I think you will find that the more you talk to Spirit in this way, the more you will become aware of Spirit responding.
  • Talk to your favorite spiritual advisor in the physical or in spirit:  Directing your communication to someone you feel that you know, can make it easier to talk & get things off your chest.  This can be a minister or spiritual advisor that you know in the physical or it can be someone in spirit such as Jesus, Buddha, etc.  Simply hold the intent that through talking to this person, you are talking to God.
  • Talk to anyone in the physical who will listen to you:  This person can be anyone who loves you & whom you love.  To keep this from degenerating into gossip & to keep your words from creating what you don’t want, it is very important that you verbally set the intent with this person that you are venting, not gossiping & that you only need them to listen, not solve anything.  You must also intend that this verbal communication is to be directed to God/Spirit.
  • Write a letter:  This is similar to journaling but differs in that it is usually specific to a certain need or purpose.  It could be compared to writing a prayer down on paper & has the benefit that you can look back on it & see that your prayers are being answered.  This would also be a benefit found with journaling.  I have had the experience of praying & then forgetting about it.  When the answer comes, I almost don’t recognize it as an answer to a prayer!
  • One last final thought about asking & prayer:  Express gratitude in every prayer, no matter what form your prayer takes.  Be continuously grateful, even if it seems that you are not being heard or that your prayer requests are not being answered.  Gratitude has a similar effect as the Begging & Pleading Prayer in that it removes obstacles to our receiving.  Prayers of gratitude & thanksgiving belong in a class all to themselves, so make sure to make time for this.

What has worked best for you?  What are your thoughts on prayer?  In what other ways have you prayed that I have not listed here?  Leave a comment telling us.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

Love, Dawn