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Flowers All Around

Flowers All Around


About a week ago, I had a dream in which I was very sad. I was wandering around a public area, outside in the rain, singing to myself & sobbing. Shortly, the rain stopped falling on me & the sun came out but was only shining on me while everyone & everything around me was still in darkness, shadows & rain. The sunlight on me felt very warm & comforting. The song, which I continued to sing, was a very happy, uplifting, joyful one but despite the sun & the tone of the song, I continued to grieve. I was aware as I sang that I had changed the words slightly. I then woke up.

It took me a day or two of searching online to find the song. I recognized the tune & the words as being a real song but I didn’t know which words I had changed in the dream & which words were original so it took some doing to identify. When I found it, it was the song “I Love the Flower Girl” by The Cowsills. It’s official name is “The Rain, The Park & Other Things.” I was really blown away to realize that I’d been singing a real song in my dream that I’m only very vaguely familiar with & then to have been singing it almost word for word.

Well, as frequently happens, it wasn’t enough that I found the song & listened to it, which caused me to cry again. The song has continued to play on autopilot ever since with back ground music, back-up singers, the whole nine yards. 😛 I realized more was required & sat down to see what Spirit had to say about this song. First, I had to change the words slightly because the song on the surface is about a man & a woman meeting. You can look up the lyrics for the original. Here is the Spirit’s slightly modified version for the purpose of clarity, understanding & interpretation followed by Spirit’s interpretation of the song.

1) As I was sitting in the rain                                                       (Rain/Raindrops=negativity)
Raindrops falling on me
I didn't have a care
I sat there & smiled with glee

2) And I knew (I knew, I knew, I knew, I knew)
I could be so happy (happy, happy)
Flowers in my hair, flowers everywhere                                     (Flowers=God Qualities)

3) I love the flower girl                                                                (Flower Girl=Embodiment of God Qualities)
Oh I don't know just why
She simply caught my eye                                                           (Eye=All Senses physical, spiritual, etc.)
I love the flower girl, she is so sweet & kind
She crept into my mind                                                                (Mind=First point of contact with one's God Qualities)

4) I knew I had to say hello
She smiled up at me
She took my hand & we walked through the park alone             (The Park=the physical)

5) But I knew (I knew, I knew, I knew, I knew)
We could make me happy (happy, happy)
Flowers in my hair, flowers everywhere

6) I love the flower girl
Oh I don't know just why
She simply caught my heart                                                         (My Heart=the soul)
I love the flower girl, she seems so sweet & kind
She crept into my mind

7) Suddenly the sun broke through                                               (Sun=awakening consciousness)                                             
I turned around & she was gone                                                   (Gone=disappearance of unconsciousness)
And all I had left were flowers everywhere

8) And I knew (I knew, I knew, I knew, I knew)
I was very happy (happy, happy)
Flowers in my hair, flowers everywhere

9) I am the flower girl                                                                
Was she reality or just a dream to me?                                   
I love the flower girl                                                                 
My love shall lead the way                                                      
To find a sunny day (sunny day, sunny day)
I am the flower girl
Was she reality or just a dream to me?

1st Verse: This verse refers to the state of being before one is awakened to the truth. One may be happy or not. But negativity rains down all around. Some are able to persevere through this deluge of negativity while others are more negatively affected by it. This verse is talking about someone who is completely unconscious & oblivious to higher things & to the negativity raining all around & within. 

2nd Verse: This verse refers to the beginning awareness of the Qualities of God & how they might positively affect oneself. These God Qualities are numerous & diverse. They are "everywhere" in others & "in my hair" or a part of oneself. 

3rd Verse: This verse refers to the externalization of one's awakened consciousness when one first begins to realize the human potential that is possible. In this verse, one does not fully recognize one's own connection to God but only senses (sees/perceives) possibilities & becomes aware of, through the mind, the qualities of God. In this verse is the first step towards awakened consciousness. 

4th Verse: This verse refers to the chosen ones. Those children of God who have chosen to move forward on their path in the physical even though they are seemingly alone. 

5th Verse: This verse refers to the dawning awareness that true happiness is only in "we." The "we" of unity & wholeness. 

6th Verse: This is a repeated verse (like verse 3) with "heart" which highlights the importance of the soul in awakening the consciousness for much of the issues one suffers are here in the soul. Until these issues are recognized by oneself & one takes responsibility for healing them, they will continue to block one's awareness of one's true source. 

7th Verse: This verse refers to one's consciousness awakening & the natural result of this which is unity & the loss of separation within oneself & the disappearance & eventual elimination of unconsciousness. In this verse, the externalized flower girl becomes internalized & merges with self. 

8th Verse: This is a repeated verse (like verses 2 & 5) affirming that Unity, Wholeness & the end of separation within self leads to happiness, joy & peace. Like verses 2 & 5, this verse recognizes that the end of separation is necessary to bring about Heaven on Earth.

9th Verse: This verse refers to the awareness that one is one's God Qualities & that one is awakened in consciousness, wholeness & love (I am the flower girl). It continues with the realization that this state of being (I love the flower girl) leads the way forward on one's path (my love shall lead the way) to ever higher states of consciousness (to find a sunny day), always questioning the nature of reality (was she reality or just a dream to me?) which in turn leads to answers & the way forward continues in an ever flowing path forward. 

Dawn: (This is me commenting now.)

One of the interesting things to me about all of this as I was rereading this information & typing it into this blog post, was how much the song went along with my dream. Like the song, I was in the rain although I was unhappy & was singing my version of this song. “I just wanna be happy, happy, happy! Flowers in my hair, Flowers everywhere!” The negativity was all around in the form of darkness & rain & I was grieving this even though the sun came out for me. I saw that everyone & everything else was still in darkness, rain & shadow & for this reason, I continued to grieve. Once I woke up, I could only remember the one verse above & something about “mind” which is also in the song.

It’s funny that the official name of this song is “The Rain, The Park & Other Things” because according to Spirit, the rain is negativity & the park is the physical & I feel like the other things are all that Spirit has unearthed for us from this song. So to me the name translates to “Negativity, The Physical & The Spiritual.” A title like that pretty much sums it all up & why we are all here, don’t you think?

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


Our Spiritual Selves & Others


I received the following question awhile ago and it’s taken me a long time to answer but here goes.

First the question:  “Dawn, i read a few of your articles. this is rather new to me, so the question may not seem to make sense. Can we talk to other spiritual selves, and that physical person not be aware of it? thanks.”

Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond.  Thank you for your question!  It was a very good one.  If you don’t mind, I’d like to answer this question more fully in a future post but the short answer is yes.  You can talk to others while in dreams, out of body and in your mind as well as hear them & the physical aspect or person of that spirit will probably not consciously be aware.  Although, when I’ve had the opportunity to convey to the physical person what they said to me in spirit, they have confirmed that what they said to me in spirit is what they would have physically said to me, given the opportunity.  In other words, your spiritual aspects operate in alignment usually with your physical self.

I also think it’s possible to talk to others in the dream state or in the out of body state and they also be aware of it consciously if they are aware of their dreams or are as conscious as you are in the moment. In other words, are you both sleeping and dreaming together at the same time and both happen to remember once you wake up? I think this is possible. I hope this answers your question.

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


Our Mental Selves & Fear


I’ve been feeling stressed lately.  For over 3 years now, I have had to deal with a family member who is convinced that I am not family & who has been very vocal & aggressive about it.  It has not been pretty.  It has been pretty nerve-wracking & worrisome because their perception of reality does not coincide with mine.  This situation has brought up a lot of fear in me that I’ve worked on pretty regularly for the last 3+ years through my prayer & emotional work.  It has caused me to question my version of events, my truth, my beliefs, my perceptions.  I have feared that I am creating negative consequences for myself & for others by my continuing to interact with & participate in this discord.  Like Job, I have feared that I must have done something wrong since this is happening to me.  I have feared that my version of events, my reality is wrong since someone else has such a different version.  At times, I have feared that I am crazy.  Believe me, there is nothing more crazy-making than having someone in your life who is convinced that what you think is reality is not real!  I’m pretty sure I’ve seen more than one movie using this ploy in the script. 

While this is an unusual example, you can probably think of times you have been anxious, worried or fearful when, like my situation, it was not due to an animal attack.  I bring up animal attack because this is the classic example given when describing fear & the “fight or flight” stress response of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS).  The ANS triggers the “fight or flight” stress response which readies the body to fight or flee from danger.  There aren’t too many animal attacks happening in the course of most people’s lives these days but we still seem to experience plenty of anxiety, worry, fear, stress & the resulting ANS activation.  Most of us are not daily fighting or fleeing for our lives but rather dealing with long term, low level stress due to intractable people & situations such as my own example above. 

Now you may be wondering why I am talking about fear & anxiety under the heading of “Our Mental Selves” rather than “Our Emotional Selves” so let me digress & explain where I’m coming from.  While fear is an emotion & therefore more a part of our emotional self, anxiety can be thought of as a mental emotion or state arising from our mental self as can despair, probably.  Generally, for the purpose of our discussion, consider that ideas, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, words & some attitudes & emotions are a part of the mental self. 

Today, people are more likely to experience unrelenting, long term worry & anxiety versus temporary outright fear for their lives.  So, while the emotional self’s fear of impending doom can definitely trigger the “fight or flight” stress response of the ANS, so can the mental self’s experience of worry & anxiety.  Worry is an activity of the mind & the mental self that often triggers anxiety & fear & therefore the stress response.  What you may not realize is that worry & anxiety over something currently happening, something that has already happened or something that might happen in the future will all have the same effect.  While you may realize that what you’re worrying about isn’t actually happening right now, this minute, your body does not & will activate the ANS as though you are being chased down the street by danger.  This is what makes the long term, low level stress of the mental type especially destructive because there is no immediate resolution as there would be with a single, sudden, frightening event.  The mental type of stress & resulting ANS activation could literally last for years instead of seconds.  A lot has been made of the self-created stress of the “Type A” personality but I’m pretty certain that whether or not you are a “Type A” doesn’t matter nearly as much as the length of time you are stressed.  A typical “Type A” blows up & moves on – the mental equivalent of being chased down the street by danger.  As long as this isn’t happening on a daily basis, probably not beyond the ability of the body to recover.  But what about the family members of this person?  Not too many people can take the blow-ups of others & move on so they are left with stewing over the previous blow-ups & worrying about & dreading the next blow-up, walking on eggshells trying to prevent it.

So what is the solution?  Quit worrying!  The upsetting thoughts rattling around & movies playing over & over again in your mind/brain/mental self are completely unproductive & usually move you no closer to any sort of resolution.  Instead, surrender them to the Holy Spirit in prayer each & every time you find yourself back in the rut of fretting & worrying.  I have also in contemplation, gone before God with a basket or apron full of eggs & one by one handed them over naming the person, worry or upsetting situation that each represents, letting go & letting God.  I figure putting all of your eggs in one basket is a good thing if you are handing it over to God.  This technique works especially well at bedtime before falling asleep.  Another thing you can do is forgive each thought as it occurs.  Since your thoughts direct your energy (energy follows thought), by forgiving each & every thought you have that isn’t best, over time you create an energy of peace & quiet within yourself.  The negative thoughts die down & what you are left with is your divine self that God created you to be.  An amazing side effect of this is that you will have created the space within you in which the Holy Spirit can be present & communicate with you.   This is infinitely more satisfying than the out of control fear, worry & anxiety & the resulting stress & ill health that thinking negative thoughts & scenarios creates.  This is what will resolve the stressful problems in your life.  This is what will move you forward into a better life.

Live, Love & Laugh in the Light of God

Dawn 🙂



Our Mental Selves


I have really had trouble reining my self in for each post that I’ve written in this series so far & “Our Mental Selves” is no exception.  I may have to cycle through the “Our Selves” series multiple times in order to get to say everything I’d like.  I was a little worried before starting that I wouldn’t have much to say with this one & the last one “Our Energetic Selves” but by the time I sat down, my mind was overflowing with thoughts & ideas.  I guess my mental self has been called upon.  For the purposes of this post today, our mental self includes our intelligence, intellect, thoughts, thought-forms, beliefs, ideas, words, mind, brain & thinking processes including abstract & concrete.

Our mental selves are a little like our physical selves in that they both receive more of our attention & acceptance compared to the other aspects of our selves, being of a more tangible nature than say, the energetic self.  So, for example, even though you can’t exactly put a finger on your thoughts, they appear to originate from the physical construct of the brain which gives them an aura of concrete reality & realness.  You could locate the mental self in the brain, for it’s apparent from our physical biology that much of our “mentality” is located in the brain but I don’t recommend this.  It’s probably more accurate to perceive your mental self as a body permeating your physical body.  Viewed in this way, you can see that your mental self, intelligence & mind are not limited to just your brain.  Every part of your body is intelligent.

The mental self can cause or contribute to problems in our lives & bodies just as any of our other aspects can & since “energy follows thought,” the potential is great for our mental self to cause a great deal of problems for us through our thinking & our thoughts.  Since we usually assume that our thoughts originate with us, we then proceed to buy into everything we think without discernment, believing all that we think.  You’ve heard the saying “don’t believe everything you hear”?  To this, I would add “or think” because your thoughts are not always just your own.  Some thoughts that arise unbidden in your mind are from God but some are from unhealed, wounded parts of your self, some from others in spirit whether of a pure nature or a wounded nature.  In the same way that you would weigh & measure the words of others, I would suggest that you weigh & measure your own thoughts.  Are they true?  clarifying?  accurate?  compassionate?  peaceful?  loving?  reasonable?  logical?  Do they lead you to make improvements in your life, body & relationships?  Or do they tear you or others down?  criticize?  attack?  judge?  condemn?  Do they stir up hate?  unforgiveness?  revenge?  anger?  Do they dwell on temporary negative conditions?  things out of your control?  what others are doing?  or have done?  The quality of your thoughts can indicate the source of them.  Needless to say, the loving thoughts of God feel very different from the wounded thoughts of others or of other parts of your self.  Don’t believe that you hear any thoughts but your own?  This is possibly true if you continuously occupy your mind with ongoing active thinking, although, I have heard Spirit talk to me right over the top of my own thinking so I know that active thinking is no actual impediment.  The best example I can think of, demonstrating that we can hear Spirit as our own thoughts, was one time that I was out of my body (OOBE) but heading back.  Usually, coming back into my body is instantaneous but this was one of those times that it wasn’t.  I was moving through a space similar to a hallway & up ahead of me & off to the left, I could hear a woman talking as if she were in a room off this hallway.  She continued talking as I moved past her & I continued to hear her voice as I moved away.  Gradually, as I merged with my body, her voice changed from it’s own distinct sound to the sound of my own thinking & continued on, sounding & feeling exactly like my own thoughts.  This experience, among others, confirmed for me that we have the ability to “hear” those in Spirit in our minds as our thoughts.

The difficulty with “hearing” Spirit in this way is learning to discern which thoughts are your own &  which are not.  To this end, I would suggest a few things.

  • Forgiveness Work or Emotional Work mentioned in a previous post “Our Emotional Selves” is also very effective with clearing & healing the mental self.  For myself, I found that as I did my “work,” I enjoyed greater & greater periods of time without any chatter in my mind.  A quiet mind can be key for many, as it was for me, to enable the voice of Spirit to be discerned.  Once you develop the ability to be quiet in your mind, the voice of Spirit is quite obvious.
  • Meditation works for some people by training the mind to be quiet & cease the chatter.  This training can then be used to listen to Spirit.  This technique has the benefit that it is available to anyone, there are many self-help books on the subject & it doesn’t require having access to a therapist.  It does require daily commitment though & it lacks the depth of healing & overall healing benefit offered by forgiveness work.
  • Practicing the Presence:  Choosing to practice the presence of God involves your willingness to be open to God, stated with intent & then sitting quietly, letting go of everything else.  It looks like meditation but is not because you are not focusing your attention on anything in the physical, you are not trying to stop thinking, you are not required to hold any particular position, chant any word or phrases or accomplish any goal other than being with God.  The Presence of God has the power to overcome all of your resistance, woundedness, fear & negative mental constructs, thoughts, beliefs, disordered & faulty thinking & rigid mind.  One of my mentors has developed a wonderful version of this technique that I am going to try to share here.  This can be done anytime but bedtime is especially good.  Say out loud or in your mind, “I choose to fill myself with the Divine Presence of God.”  This is the basic statement or intent to which more can be added such as “I choose to fill my bones, muscles, connective tissue”, etc.  Alternately you could start with your feet & move up adding your legs, etc.  You could go through the list of body systems such as pulmonary system, skeletal system or body organs & glands such as heart, etc.  You can expand this idea by choosing to fill your relationships, your different aspects such as your subconscious, emotions, emotional self, field, soul, spirit, mind, will, etc.  I always take a deep breath after each stated intent because I want to let go of all resistance to God & to receiving what I am asking.  Once you feel that you are done, then just lie there enjoying the feeling of being filled with God.  Sweet Dreams!

Love, Dawn