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Energy Follows Thought


Today I would like to share a dream I had many, many years ago. I think it was even before I became a minister. It was an unusual dream because it was 2-dimensional, almost like a felt board story if you are old enough to remember those from elementary school. The background was flat & red which stretched across my entire field of vision. From one side there entered a flat cut-out white (light) figure on horseback. I knew it to be a soldier. I watched it as it was joined by many others until that side of the field of red was white. At this point, from the other side, entered a flat cut-out black (dark) figure on horseback, also a soldier, followed by more. The two sides battled it out on the field of red before me. As I watched, first one side & then the other took over the field. After awhile, I began realizing that whichever side I focused on was the side that took over my field of vision & “won” the battle in the moment. I woke up.

I have never forgotten this dream. It is as vivid in my memory today as it was when I first woke up from it. Some dreams can be complicated & very difficult to interpret but this one was very straight forward. It spoke volumes to me.

In simple terms, this is about what you choose to put your attention on. Is it positive or is it negative? Whatever you focus on can take over your life, emotions, thoughts, mind, your “field of vision” & it will be all you see & perceive. It will “win” so to speak. There is a saying in esoteric circles: Energy follows thought. Your attention & focus directs your thoughts & therefore your energy into either positive, neutral or negative directions. This is your free-will in action. You can use this for your benefit & the benefit of others by contributing to the positive in life or not. Which direction you choose has a major impact on you as well as everyone & everything in your life & environment.

In the dream, I was cheering on the light soldiers but I was afraid & in fear of the dark soldiers. Ironically, my fear kept the dark soldiers on the field & winning for awhile because I was focused on them & my fear of them. My fear was feeding, informing & giving my continued attention, focus & energy to the dark.

Many think that the way to vanquish evil in the world is by fearing it, focusing on it, seeking it out & battling it. My life & dreams have taught me that the way is simpler than that. Take away evil’s energy, power, hope & purpose by undermining it through affirming the power of the Light. Goodness, Love & Light are everywhere. Focus on these & they will spread because you are giving your energy to them & in doing so you are denying evil any of your energy.

The world runs on energy. Ask any quantum physicist. What are you doing with your energy? Do you know? If your thoughts, emotion, attention & focus are on everything that’s wrong, bad or evil then that is what is receiving your energy. Is that what you want to be giving your energy to? It’s not easy to remain focused on the positive when the world is screaming in pain but focusing on the pain isn’t helping the world either.

May you Live in the Love & Light, Dawn


Unity Prayer of Protection

Prayer of Protection

The Light of God Surrounds Me

The Love of God Enfolds Me

The Power of God Protects Me

The Presence of God Watches Over Me

Everywhere I Am, God Is

by James Dillet Freeman


The Unity Prayer above has been one of my go-to prayers for decades. I’ve used it for myself & for others, when I’ve been sick, afraid, stressed, worried, out of sorts. I’ve used it as a mantra in meditation. I’ve used it as I’ve been put under for surgeries, saying it over & over & over again. I can truly say it has been my salvation & my solace in this lifetime.

When my youngest grandson was in the hospital as an infant with RSV & the possibility of his death seemed very real, I prayed this prayer for him. There wasn’t much else I could do for him, I felt. The following is what happened when I said this prayer for him the first time in the hospital.

I said the first line & suddenly I saw an intense white ball of light all around him. I was surprised. In all my years of saying this prayer, I had never seen this happen before. When I said the second line, a soft pink translucent shimmery swirl came down wrapping around his body. I kept going & watching. When I said the third line, intense gold light cords came down from the top of the intense white ball of light wrapping it like gold cord on a Christmas ornament. When I said the forth line I saw a soft shimmery translucent column of light that looked like a mixture of white gold & yellow gold. It appeared over all. I knew that it reached everywhere. (It was after this experience that I started saying “from the core of the Earth to the Heart of God” in my statements & prayers because this is how big that column, the Presence of God column, was.) By this time, I was in tears & sobbing. From that time on, I have always envisioned the Unity Protection Prayer in this way, the way the Holy Spirit showed me when my grandson was so sick in the hospital. He recovered.

I’ve added to the prayer as needed but the vision stays the same. Sometimes I end it by saying: “And all is well and that’s the truth so help me God.” I always feel that with prayers sometimes they work best to be open & flexible in the moment & go with what you feel, hear, sense.

I’m a minister but not a Unity Minister, nevertheless, I’m very grateful to Unity for they helped me when I was younger (in my 20’s & 30’s) get on my path & move forward. They will always have a special place in my heart. For more information about Unity:

Unity World Headquarters

1901 NW Blue Parkway
Unity Village, MO 64065

Tel: 816-524-3550

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


Our Christ Selves


This morning I was going though my journals looking for something in particular. Of course, I did not find what I was looking for but instead found this vision/experience to share with you:

“I asked this morning when I woke up to experience God but I got “No” to this request. I then requested the Holy Spirit and heard “No” again. I then requested Christ. I heard “Yes” to this request. I closed my eyes and immediately was aware of a dolphin of all things! After a bit, I figured out that I was to hold on to it so I wrapped my arms around and it swam forward. I realized I would soon need to breathe so I tapped it with my fingers and it came up to the surface of the water. I took a deep breath and down we went again. I had the realization that I was going to slow us up if I kept stopping to breathe. Spirit then reminded me that I could breathe air from the dolphin’s air hole so I did this and we were suddenly flying through the water! I realized that the dolphin was Christ taking me home to God which I could dimly perceive as a light in the far distance. The dolphin could breathe for me and carry me quickly on my path without any effort on my part.”

“This is what the Christ does for humanity.  All we need to do is accept the lift and be carried forward swiftly and effortlessly on our path.  Trying to do everything myself only slows me up and causes stress. More surrender to Christ with & within me instead of going it alone.”

Spirit has shared with me that the Christ is a position held by nearly every head of every religion. In other words, the founder of every religion is Christed. This is not very well known as it is usually accepted that only Jesus is Christ but actually Buddha is Christ along with the others who have established the major religions of the world. Christ is Humanity’s other half, our spiritual half, our partner and together we can accomplish miracles.

Love and Light, Dawn