In the previous post, I talked about my first clear memory of a spiritual nature. My next clear memory happened when I was about 4 to 5 years old. I was lying in bed having just woken up in the attic bedroom of my grandparent’s home. (This was my mother’s parents who lived out in the country at the time.) All around the room, sparkles were flying everywhere. I was entranced & watched for a long time. I remember thinking that probably no one else could see them. (The arrogance & egocentricity of small children!)
Thinking about this memory, the sparkles were somewhat similar to what you see when you strain your eyes from, for example, trying to look at your armpits while shaving. The difference is that the entire room was full of them, many more than from eyestrain. They were also much, much brighter, larger, more intense.
I have in recent years asked about this incident & was told that what I saw were Angels. I don’t know why I saw Angels, then specifically. But I do think this was an experience to lead me forward on my path & linger in my memory so that, as an adult, I could look back & see that Spirit has been with me all along. I am quite certain that I am not the only one that Spirit has been with all along & that is why I share these stories.
Live, Love & Laugh in the Light of God, Dawn