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In-Between State


New Beginnings


It’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted.  Occasionally, life has a way of carrying me off temporarily.  On April 30, 2011, I greeted my second grandson into the world. That was exciting & scary at the same time. Coming into the world & leaving the world are momentous occasions that many of us are not equipped to handle.  It seems that we resist & fight against both coming & going! My last post was the end of March & it seemed that the month of April was spent getting ready for the baby’s arrival & the months since then have been spent adjusting the family & him to his arrival.  No, I did not misspeak, that’s exactly what we’ve been doing.  His arrival heralded a lot of changes for him & for us, his family, on so many levels.  It’s amazing how much can change when someone arrives.  I’m more accustomed to the adjustments required when a family member leaves than when they arrive but I’m not complaining!  It’s definitely a lot more fun & joyful.  It just rather took me by surprise.  Naively, I was expecting that since this was a second not a first child/grandchild that there wouldn’t be as much change for all of us as there had been the first time around.  Silly me.  Of course change, even good change, is stressful so the blog got put on the back burner. I’ve lost a great many family members over the years & so the birth of grandchildren is especially sweet.  God’s promise that life is going on despite the many that are leaving or have left.  After so many years of family passing over, it’s very joyful to be greeting family coming back.

I have to share with you that Spirit gave me a peek at my grandson a week before he was born.  I was in bed one night, falling asleep, when I heard my name being called which of course immediately woke me up.  This is what usually happens, very annoying.  After all these years, you would think that by now I would have developed the ability to stay in that in-between state when I get called but it never happens that way.  For some reason, it wakes me up which of course takes me away from where the action is happening!  So, I lay there, puzzled as to why I’m being called, asking questions of Spirit if anything is wrong, etc.  Not finding anything wrong, I decide it must be nothing & begin to fall asleep again.  Just as I do, I see a man’s arms holding a swaddled baby out towards me.  The baby has big blue eyes, soft red hair sticking up on the top of his head & he is grinning ear to ear at me as if to say “Hi, Nana, I’m so excited to come home!”  He looks like an impish little elf.  His left side is towards me & I catch a glimpse of a dimple somewhere before I pop out of the in-between state.   I was concerned at first because this is the kind of thing that happens when someone is about to pass over in my family.  But a few questions to Spirit relieved my concern that he wouldn’t make it here safely.  He arrived a week later.  He is now 2 months old & is finally looking like the peek that Spirit gave me.  A blue eyed, grinning, elfin baby & after I gave him a proper bath in the sink with baby shampoo last weekend, his hair even stands up on top.  Oh, & the dimple is only in his left cheek.  🙂

Love, Dawn