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Unity Prayer of Protection

Prayer of Protection

The Light of God Surrounds Me

The Love of God Enfolds Me

The Power of God Protects Me

The Presence of God Watches Over Me

Everywhere I Am, God Is

by James Dillet Freeman


The Unity Prayer above has been one of my go-to prayers for decades. I’ve used it for myself & for others, when I’ve been sick, afraid, stressed, worried, out of sorts. I’ve used it as a mantra in meditation. I’ve used it as I’ve been put under for surgeries, saying it over & over & over again. I can truly say it has been my salvation & my solace in this lifetime.

When my youngest grandson was in the hospital as an infant with RSV & the possibility of his death seemed very real, I prayed this prayer for him. There wasn’t much else I could do for him, I felt. The following is what happened when I said this prayer for him the first time in the hospital.

I said the first line & suddenly I saw an intense white ball of light all around him. I was surprised. In all my years of saying this prayer, I had never seen this happen before. When I said the second line, a soft pink translucent shimmery swirl came down wrapping around his body. I kept going & watching. When I said the third line, intense gold light cords came down from the top of the intense white ball of light wrapping it like gold cord on a Christmas ornament. When I said the forth line I saw a soft shimmery translucent column of light that looked like a mixture of white gold & yellow gold. It appeared over all. I knew that it reached everywhere. (It was after this experience that I started saying “from the core of the Earth to the Heart of God” in my statements & prayers because this is how big that column, the Presence of God column, was.) By this time, I was in tears & sobbing. From that time on, I have always envisioned the Unity Protection Prayer in this way, the way the Holy Spirit showed me when my grandson was so sick in the hospital. He recovered.

I’ve added to the prayer as needed but the vision stays the same. Sometimes I end it by saying: “And all is well and that’s the truth so help me God.” I always feel that with prayers sometimes they work best to be open & flexible in the moment & go with what you feel, hear, sense.

I’m a minister but not a Unity Minister, nevertheless, I’m very grateful to Unity for they helped me when I was younger (in my 20’s & 30’s) get on my path & move forward. They will always have a special place in my heart. For more information about Unity:

Unity World Headquarters

1901 NW Blue Parkway
Unity Village, MO 64065

Tel: 816-524-3550

Love in the Light of God, Dawn