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Living, Dying & Suicide


I was talking to someone recently about death & dying, specifically about suicide & the Holy Spirit had this to say:

“There are many confusions about death, dying, suicide, abortion & assisted death at the end of life. Let me clear this up for you.”

“While life is precious, there comes a point in the life of every individual when that life has reached its end & the journey is over. That individual’s family or friends may not be happy or willing for this to be so but it is so & must be recognized. It is the unwillingness to recognize the end of life that causes so much suffering for many. Many linger on because their loved ones cling to them. This is not living. This is dying.”

“On the other hand, there are those who end their lives much too soon. This is a tragedy for they deny themselves all of the life that they had chosen for themselves before they were born. The double tragedy here is that not only is this the case but everyone meant to be touched by that life will not be. Someone else will have to take up that cause & be burdened by it. In other words, others will have to add to their life choices, the choices missed by the one who ends their life too soon. Think about all the people in the world right now who have ended their lives. All of those shortened lives leave purposes unattended. This will not do. Those purposes have to be picked up & carried by others who are already burdened by their own purposes chosen before they were born. Now they have additional purposes added to their lives. For some, this is truly a burden. Do you think this fair to those left behind? No it is not. It is a crime, although, not a punishable one. Those who end their own lives find out soon enough, once they pass over, what they have missed out on & what they have done to others. It causes them grave & grievous harm for they truly see the magnitude of what they have chosen. I do not recommend this to anyone. For you see, even if you believe it will end your suffering, I tell you this now that it will not. It is a common belief that there is no suffering in Heaven. I tell you that there is suffering for “as above so below.” Everything in the heavens is seen on the earth in one form or another so be prepared to suffer if you choose to end your life before it naturally ends. Ask yourself, “Why am I suffering? What is the cause? What can I change that would change my suffering? How can I make use of this suffering? How can I benefit from this suffering? How can others benefit from this suffering? What is the purpose of this suffering? What is it trying to tell me or show me about myself? About my choices? About my life? How can I make different choices that would have a different effect on me? On my life?” Ask yourself questions like these & wait for the answers to show up. When you ask questions & wait, the answers will come to you. You have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone, your self-contained box of “This is me & this is how I am & this is how I always operate.” All of this keeps you stuck & in your pain. If you want to move out of the pain, you have to be willing to be different, think different, act different. You can’t continue as you are & expect a different outcome. I believe you call this “insanity” do you not? Choose differently. It will make all the difference in the world & in Heaven.”

“As for abortion, this becomes a question of who has power & who does not. Unfortunately, in the physical, power is very out of balance right now. No one should have the power over another individual. Individual choices & free will are sacrosanct to God. How have you not figured this out yet? Do you see God stepping in & controlling every one? Do you see God stepping in & punishing anyone? Do you see God stepping in & telling anyone what to do? NO! God granted free will to Humanity & will not ever step in unless an individual prays & asks for help for themselves or for others who are open for that help. This is the only way around free will. Continue to pray for yourselves & your loved ones for that is the way to truly change the world.”

“Now as to the topic of assisted death. This is more complicated for this concerns the life of someone already living & the question of whether or not their time has come to an end. If their time has come to an end & they have fulfilled all of the purposes of their lifetime on earth then ending their life with assistance is not a problem. The problem is determining when that time is at hand. How is anyone to know when they have fulfilled all of their purposes? The writer Dawn, whom I am speaking with now, helped her Mother fulfill her final purposes as she was dying. She was only able to do this because she listens to Me. Otherwise, her mother would have left the earth plane with strings attached because she left too early. Her mother was meant to live for another 2 years but because she had such a strong death wish, she fell & critically hurt herself. This fall led to severe brain damage. The family had to let her go & they did very well but because she was dying early, she still had purposes to fulfill. My point here is that even those who seem to be dying may still be leaving early. It’s hard to know the truth of the matter because so many do not want to be in the physical. Physical life is hard & not for the feint of heart. You all know this. Therefore, let me leave you with this: Live with your heart & not your mind. Your mind can be cluttered with the thoughts of others. Connect to your true self through your heart. Try this & have the intent of doing this & it will happen. Let your heart lead you through your life, not your mind, not your “should’s” & not others. You have to follow your heart, your true self which is your own path home to God.”

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


God’s Will?


I just love it when legislators and religious experts band together and decide what is right for everyone, especially for the disenfranchised, the oppressed, the poor, the marginalized, the minority or anyone who isn’t “NORMAL” by their standards. Their standards being white, male, wealthy and upper class. Oh and religious, especially the “religious right”. Because, you know, their standards are the correct and officially sanctioned ones by God. I feel that everyone should have the right to practice their beliefs in the way that they believe without anyone else interfering.

This week, in my State of Indiana, the legislators/”religious right” experts are deciding the medical fate of the women in Indiana because women can’t be trusted to do this on their own without guidance i.e. religious guidance. So the Indiana State Congress has taken it on their broad shoulders to call a special session to dictate to us when, where, how, if and under what circumstances, we can be allowed to decide to have an abortion.

What no on seems to realize is that this is really a personal medical decision, first and foremost, best made by each individual woman. Secondly, she may or may not notify the possible father because of the first reason. Thirdly, the religion/religious beliefs of others have no bearing on this choice and decision made by each individual woman. Fourth, there is no federal law in our country outlawing abortion as murder at this time, therefore, there is no basis for any individual state to be allowed to have any opinion about it, whatsoever. Fifth, in our country there is historically supposed to be SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. This attempt by the state to abolish and limit abortion is blatant “religious right” morality imposed on everyone through our government. THIS SHOULD TERRIFY EVERYONE. Remember Nazi Germany? The Holocaust? Rwanda? Slavery? The Civil War? Our Revolutionary War? ANY HISTORY AT ALL, ANYWHERE, EVER? Why and how do you think our country got started to begin with? Because nearly all of our ancestors were OPPRESSED! They couldn’t practice their religion the way they believed! There was no freedom to live their lives in the way they chose! They were in bondage or enslaved, they were treated badly, they had no rights! THIS is the foundation of our country. We are allowing the foundation of democracy and freedom in our country to be destroyed. WAKE UP! What freedoms will we lose next? Freedom of religious choice? Freedom of speech? Freedom from persecution because of race, religion, color, gender, belief, more? Go along with this and let’s see what other freedoms we will soon lose in our country.

The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Sonnet by Emma Lazarus

This is the entire poem dedicated to Lady Liberty in New York Harbor. She probably greeted yours and my ancestors as they immigrated here to the United States. I only hope we can continue to live up to her promise.

Once we as a country and as a people allow any particular religion, even a majority religion such as Christianity, to infiltrate the government and begin dictating laws and moral codes for the whole based on those beliefs, is the day we all lose our freedoms both individually and as a whole. This is a fact. You can look into the history of any country or continent on the planet and see the pattern of what happens when religion rules over the government and the people through the government. It does not matter what religion it is because once religion takes over, it becomes more important than the people. This is also why religion has no place in our government because ours was founded on the precept of “government by the people, for the people”. This is not possible when any religion becomes involved with government because it will no longer be “by the people, for the people” but “by the church, for the church.”

Religions are like corporations in this regard, once established, they take on a life of their own. They become more invested in securing their own power and authority than in the general welfare and desires of the people. You can see this also in history. You may think this only happens in other countries or in other time periods. It does not. History repeats itself when no one learns the lessons that history offers. Of course, since we seem to be on the verge of repeating history, this may be why there is such a push to change how and what is taught in schools regarding our history. We seem to be allowing our history to be rewritten in the classroom. This sets a dangerous precedent reminiscent of the days of book burnings and prohibition. Would you like to return to those days?

Personally, I am happy to know the real history of what went down in these United States and to have the freedom to be able to read what I choose and to be able to vote and to be able to purchase alcohol if I choose and to have been able to marry who I wanted and to have been able to go to school and pursue an advanced degree. All of these freedoms and so many more that other countries under the control of religion, I would not have had in this lifetime if I did not live in these United States. Are you so willing to just throw this away in the name of one version, of one religion? I would hope that you would want your children to have the same, if not more freedoms than you got to enjoy. I know this is what I want for my daughter and grandsons and their children.

Love in the Light of the One True God of us all, Dawn