When I was 2 (almost 3) years old, I got severely burnt by coffee simmering on the stove. My parent’s & I were at the neighbor’s who were having a farewell party for us. We were to be moving from California back to the Midwest where my parent’s were from before my dad entered the Navy.
When it happened, I remember seeing my hand reach for a red ball in the corner of the stove & wall & then, nothing. My dad, in recounting the story to me as an adult, said that I went into shock. He & my mom drove me to the emergency room. My dad told this part of the story very dramatically. He was driving very fast in a panic & of course got pulled over. He was not happy about this nor with the attitude of the officer but at least he didn’t get a ticket for speeding! : )
The second memory after the red ball is of the emergency room where I am watching 2 people work on a little girl that looks like me. She is on a gurney. I am watching from the corner of the curtained off area.
The third memory is of waking up in a hospital crib with something bulky wrapped around my stomach. I remember feeling surprised to be there, almost like “Oh! I’m back here.”
This is the gist of the story. Growing up, I never questioned it nor why my perspective changed from watching my hand reach for the ball to suddenly watching from a nearby corner of the curtained off ER room to then being in a crib. It wasn’t until I was an older kid that I realized the puzzlement of the perspective changes of the three memories – inside of myself, outside of myself, inside of myself. I then decided that the middle memory wasn’t of me but of another kid in the ER. I was satisfied with this solution until I became an adult & realized just how ridiculous this was. What ER allows a 2 year old to wander around watching the goings on in other rooms? Where were my parents? They definitely weren’t standing there with me watching. This conundrum bothered me for years & years. It wasn’t until I read about OOBE’s (Out-Of-Body-Experiences) that I finally had an explanation. OOBE’s have been known to spontaneously happen due to shock, trauma, accidents, surgeries, etc.
This is my earliest memory of a spiritual nature. I believe it helped to open the door for me between the physical & the non-physical. This door has stayed open to varying degrees for the rest of my life as I slowly experienced more & more of the spiritual in the physical. I think many of us have things like this happen to us & we wave them away, explain them away, as I did to myself. Go back & examine your childhood. What strange, unexplainable memories do you have? Maybe you might find a spiritual explanation for them now.
Love in the Light of God, Dawn
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