
Holy Spirit Speaks

“Dear Ones, the time has come to receive & ask. Open your hearts & hear. Listen to what I have to say. The Heavens & Earth are troubled & require your help. Step forward as you are called. Many are called but few answer the call. Answer the call. The call has been put forth to pray on behalf of Humanity & the Kingdoms of God. Whatever your beliefs, they pale by comparison to the call of God in your hearts to pray for your fellow man & woman. Pray for the vanquishment of evil everywhere. Pray that God & the forces of Good prevail everywhere. Pray that all of the Kingdoms of God are safe & protected from evil at every level. Pray that you are safe & protected from evil at every level. Pray that hope, faith, love, charity & compassion be returned to the hearts of all man/woman-kind. Pray that you be released from evil of every kind at every level. Pray for your children & their children. Pray. Pray. Pray. The Heavens are calling upon you, please heed this call.”

“I am the Holy Spirit.”

Daily Statements

Everything I have, everything I’m holding, everything I’m feeling that’s not my own stuff, I bundle it up, surround it with love & give it to God to heal.  (To clear yourself of what is not yours) (Breathe)

I ask for the Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer for myself, my home, household, property, neighborhood, family, pets & all persons, places & things in, on, near, around & connected to me everywhere, everyway God knows about from the core of the Earth to the heart of God down through the depths to the heights. (Breathe)

I ask for the New Area Prayers, the Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer, all the Work that I have done, all the Work that has been done on behalf of Humanity, the Kingdoms of God & this Creation for all the new areas & levels that I & my family have moved into, are moving into & will move into & for all that is coming in & being made available to us according to God’s Will & Timing through grace. (Breathe)

I ask for the Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer for my dreams, dream-state &  everywhere I am at night in my sleep & all persons, places, things, circumstances, events & situations connected or involved through all time & dimensions, known or unknown to me everywhere, every way God knows about.  (Breathe)

I ask for the Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer & all the Work that I have done & that has been done on behalf of Humanity, the Kingdoms of God & this Creation for my entire ancestry & all lineages I’m a part of & all that are a part of me all the way back & all the way forward in all the ways, times, levels, degrees, details & dimensions that are best for each individual & the whole, everywhere, every way God knows about. (Breathe)

I ask for Archangel Michael & His Legions & whoever else is best to stand guard within & around me & protect me everywhere that I am from all darkness, negativity, interference, evil & anything else less than Divine Love. (Breathe)

I accept through Grace all of the Guidance, Protection, Blessings, Abundance, Prosperity, Support, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Clarity, Discernment, Integrity, Compassion, Mercy, Grace, Peace, Courage, Love, Light, Truth, Faith, Hope, Joy & Healing made available to me in all the ways, times, levels, degrees, details & dimensions that are best for each individual part of me & the whole of me in God’s Will & Timing. (Breathe)

I accept that I Am loved, accepted & forgiven by God & therefore choose to love, accept & forgive myself & all others. (Breathe)

The Light of God Surrounds Me, The Love of God Enfolds Me, The Power of God Protects Me, The Presence of God Watches Over Me.  Everywhere I Am, God Is & All Is Well & That’s the Truth, So Help Me God.  World Without End, Amen.  (Light-white ball, Love-pink swirl wrapping around body, Power-gold strands wrapping down over white ball, Presence-column in white gold & yellow gold intermixing over all.)

I choose for the Presence of God, the Holy Spirit & my own True Divine Self to fill me in every part of me, especially every part that has lack, limitation, pain, discomfort, disease, disorder, dysfunction, disability, resistance, dread, fear, panic, grief & imbalance of any kind & their cause, the cause of the cause & the cause of the cause of the cause until all is clear, healed, aligned, balanced, blessed & whole in all that I am. (Breathe)

I choose for the Presence of God & the Holy Spirit to fill my Body, Mind, Energy & Consciousness at all levels & bring them back to a perfect state of health, to the perfect state they are in Heaven.  I am the Spirit of Love permeating form until all is Loving & Kind.  I love & accept my Body, Mind, Energy & Consciousness into wholeness & health now & always. (Breathe)

I choose to align, balance, integrate & ground in all the ways that are best to all of the energies, aspects, positions & configurations of the Earth, the Moon & its phases, the Sun, the Planets, the Stars & all of the Heavenly Bodies in all the ways, times, levels, degrees, details & dimensions that are best for each individual part & the whole of me. (Breathe)

I ask for all of my battery operated, solar powered, computerized, electrical, mechanical & gas/oil operated equipment be raised in vibration, healed, transformed & made exactly that which is highest & best for me & I surrender all to the Holy Spirit & specialists assigned by the Holy Spirit to maintain & monitor for me through grace. (Breathe)


I was asked by the Holy Spirit to post these statements today. They are ones that I have said many, many times over the years for myself & others. I still say them today. I have taught them to my daughter, my grandchildren & others. Some were given to me directly by Spirit, some I adapted from other sources & some were given to me by others on the path. The Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer, however, is a massive, massive prayer that exists only in Heaven that I & several others in my spiritual group created with the guidance of the Holy Spirit for over 25 years now. Every once in awhile, the Holy Spirit guides us to request that it be added to & so one or more of us asks for this. In the beginning, I knew exactly what this prayer cleared because we had it written down but after awhile it got so long that we began calling upon the prayer by it’s name: “The Complete Cleaning Clearing Healing Restoration Protection Forgiveness Prayer.” So when anyone calls upon this prayer, they are invoking over 25 years of cleaning, clearing, healing, restoration, protection & forgiveness that I & others have done with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This is what is commonly known as Grace. There is no reason for the wheel to have to be reinvented over & over again by each individual that needs it. This is my belief & I’m holding to it. So I invite you to call upon this prayer frequently for yourself & your loved ones & for any other purpose you are called to invoke it for. May God Bless us all.

Love in the Light of God, Dawn

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