


The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.

Don’t go back to sleep.

You must ask for what you really want.

Don’t go back to sleep.

People are going back & forth across the door sill where the two worlds touch.

The door is round & open.

Don’t go back to sleep.

…by Rumi
“The Essential Rumi”
New Expanded Edition
Translation by Coleman Barks
Harper Collins, 2004, p. 36


Energy Follows Thought


Today I would like to share a dream I had many, many years ago. I think it was even before I became a minister. It was an unusual dream because it was 2-dimensional, almost like a felt board story if you are old enough to remember those from elementary school. The background was flat & red which stretched across my entire field of vision. From one side there entered a flat cut-out white (light) figure on horseback. I knew it to be a soldier. I watched it as it was joined by many others until that side of the field of red was white. At this point, from the other side, entered a flat cut-out black (dark) figure on horseback, also a soldier, followed by more. The two sides battled it out on the field of red before me. As I watched, first one side & then the other took over the field. After awhile, I began realizing that whichever side I focused on was the side that took over my field of vision & “won” the battle in the moment. I woke up.

I have never forgotten this dream. It is as vivid in my memory today as it was when I first woke up from it. Some dreams can be complicated & very difficult to interpret but this one was very straight forward. It spoke volumes to me.

In simple terms, this is about what you choose to put your attention on. Is it positive or is it negative? Whatever you focus on can take over your life, emotions, thoughts, mind, your “field of vision” & it will be all you see & perceive. It will “win” so to speak. There is a saying in esoteric circles: Energy follows thought. Your attention & focus directs your thoughts & therefore your energy into either positive, neutral or negative directions. This is your free-will in action. You can use this for your benefit & the benefit of others by contributing to the positive in life or not. Which direction you choose has a major impact on you as well as everyone & everything in your life & environment.

In the dream, I was cheering on the light soldiers but I was afraid & in fear of the dark soldiers. Ironically, my fear kept the dark soldiers on the field & winning for awhile because I was focused on them & my fear of them. My fear was feeding, informing & giving my continued attention, focus & energy to the dark.

Many think that the way to vanquish evil in the world is by fearing it, focusing on it, seeking it out & battling it. My life & dreams have taught me that the way is simpler than that. Take away evil’s energy, power, hope & purpose by undermining it through affirming the power of the Light. Goodness, Love & Light are everywhere. Focus on these & they will spread because you are giving your energy to them & in doing so you are denying evil any of your energy.

The world runs on energy. Ask any quantum physicist. What are you doing with your energy? Do you know? If your thoughts, emotion, attention & focus are on everything that’s wrong, bad or evil then that is what is receiving your energy. Is that what you want to be giving your energy to? It’s not easy to remain focused on the positive when the world is screaming in pain but focusing on the pain isn’t helping the world either.

May you Live in the Love & Light, Dawn


Heart’s Desire


My family is in the lineage of Artists. We may not all look like artists nor have professions that appear to be in the field of Artists but we are Artists nonetheless. I learned of this many years ago & it took me awhile to see how I fit in. I’d always deeply admired the artists in my family & appreciated their gifts. I think it can be difficult to perceive, accept & appreciate one’s own gifts compared to the gifts of others.

Much of my childhood was spent dabbling in the arts. I was a Jill-of-all-arts so to speak. I took ballet classes & piano lessons. In school, I was in orchestra & choir. This continued throughout my teenage years & I tried guitar & listened to music all the time. I was in plays & musicals, both behind the scenes & on stage. I took every art class I could get my hands on all through both junior & high school. I loved books & read constantly.

However, a funny happened in Junior High & High School. I discovered writing. I’m sure there was writing before then but this began in a creative writing class with an assignment to describe something. I wrote a few pages describing a candle burning down. I. had. so. much. fun. I got an A- on the paper & I have it still to this day. Despite this, it never occurred to me to pursue any sort of career in writing.

I went on in high school to collect poetry that I liked & filled journals with it. At the time, Seventeen magazine was very popular with teenage girls & I was no exception. They had a regular page of poetry & writings from reader submissions. I think this is where I got the idea to try my hand at poetry because I wanted to submit a poem. So this then led to writing poems. Writing poetry for me was easy. I wrote a poem about each of my best friends at the time. I wrote romantic poems about my love interests. I wrote poems of teenage angst. Whenever I got an idea for a poem, I just sat down & wrote it. I even remember waking up in the middle of the night one time with a full-blown poem running through my mind. Of course, my teenage poems were not Maya Angelou quality but decent enough. What I didn’t realize at the time was this was a gift of mine. Unlike all the other artistic endeavors I had undertaken up until then, I was actually good at this one. Not necessarily writing poetry but hearing & writing what I hear. It would be many, many years before I discovered that the words in my mind were words from Spirit. However, I lost interest in writing after high school.

My point in all of this is two-fold. First, I loved so many things, many but not all in arts, that I had difficulty finding my niche. In college, I changed my major five times trying to settle on something that mattered to me, that I was good at, that I was interested in & that would translate into a practical career. When I got out of college with a practical degree, I never used it. College sometimes is wasted on the young. I think it takes real world experience & just some life under your belt to fully realize your interests, your potential & your gifts. Five years out of college, I began to realize what I wish I had gotten a degree in. The rush to go straight to college out of high school doesn’t work for everyone. Some know that they know that they know & others do not.

But second & maybe more importantly, I arrived at the point many, many years down the road realizing that it didn’t really matter that I got the “wrong” degree, that I lost my way, that I forgot my “Artist” lineage, that I left behind all of my childhood joys, what I loved & what I was good at. Somehow, despite all of that, Spirit & the Universe managed to bring me here, exactly where I am meant to be. Exactly where I could have envisioned myself to be when I was a teenager. I am here writing to you. I am here talking to Spirit. I am here ministering as I always wanted to do. So never fear. You will get where you are going even if you make a few mistakes along the way. What matters the most is that you keep going. That you do not lose heart in yourself, your life, your path, your purpose, your desires & moving forward.

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


Flowers All Around

Flowers All Around


About a week ago, I had a dream in which I was very sad. I was wandering around a public area, outside in the rain, singing to myself & sobbing. Shortly, the rain stopped falling on me & the sun came out but was only shining on me while everyone & everything around me was still in darkness, shadows & rain. The sunlight on me felt very warm & comforting. The song, which I continued to sing, was a very happy, uplifting, joyful one but despite the sun & the tone of the song, I continued to grieve. I was aware as I sang that I had changed the words slightly. I then woke up.

It took me a day or two of searching online to find the song. I recognized the tune & the words as being a real song but I didn’t know which words I had changed in the dream & which words were original so it took some doing to identify. When I found it, it was the song “I Love the Flower Girl” by The Cowsills. It’s official name is “The Rain, The Park & Other Things.” I was really blown away to realize that I’d been singing a real song in my dream that I’m only very vaguely familiar with & then to have been singing it almost word for word.

Well, as frequently happens, it wasn’t enough that I found the song & listened to it, which caused me to cry again. The song has continued to play on autopilot ever since with back ground music, back-up singers, the whole nine yards. 😛 I realized more was required & sat down to see what Spirit had to say about this song. First, I had to change the words slightly because the song on the surface is about a man & a woman meeting. You can look up the lyrics for the original. Here is the Spirit’s slightly modified version for the purpose of clarity, understanding & interpretation followed by Spirit’s interpretation of the song.

1) As I was sitting in the rain                                                       (Rain/Raindrops=negativity)
Raindrops falling on me
I didn't have a care
I sat there & smiled with glee

2) And I knew (I knew, I knew, I knew, I knew)
I could be so happy (happy, happy)
Flowers in my hair, flowers everywhere                                     (Flowers=God Qualities)

3) I love the flower girl                                                                (Flower Girl=Embodiment of God Qualities)
Oh I don't know just why
She simply caught my eye                                                           (Eye=All Senses physical, spiritual, etc.)
I love the flower girl, she is so sweet & kind
She crept into my mind                                                                (Mind=First point of contact with one's God Qualities)

4) I knew I had to say hello
She smiled up at me
She took my hand & we walked through the park alone             (The Park=the physical)

5) But I knew (I knew, I knew, I knew, I knew)
We could make me happy (happy, happy)
Flowers in my hair, flowers everywhere

6) I love the flower girl
Oh I don't know just why
She simply caught my heart                                                         (My Heart=the soul)
I love the flower girl, she seems so sweet & kind
She crept into my mind

7) Suddenly the sun broke through                                               (Sun=awakening consciousness)                                             
I turned around & she was gone                                                   (Gone=disappearance of unconsciousness)
And all I had left were flowers everywhere

8) And I knew (I knew, I knew, I knew, I knew)
I was very happy (happy, happy)
Flowers in my hair, flowers everywhere

9) I am the flower girl                                                                
Was she reality or just a dream to me?                                   
I love the flower girl                                                                 
My love shall lead the way                                                      
To find a sunny day (sunny day, sunny day)
I am the flower girl
Was she reality or just a dream to me?

1st Verse: This verse refers to the state of being before one is awakened to the truth. One may be happy or not. But negativity rains down all around. Some are able to persevere through this deluge of negativity while others are more negatively affected by it. This verse is talking about someone who is completely unconscious & oblivious to higher things & to the negativity raining all around & within. 

2nd Verse: This verse refers to the beginning awareness of the Qualities of God & how they might positively affect oneself. These God Qualities are numerous & diverse. They are "everywhere" in others & "in my hair" or a part of oneself. 

3rd Verse: This verse refers to the externalization of one's awakened consciousness when one first begins to realize the human potential that is possible. In this verse, one does not fully recognize one's own connection to God but only senses (sees/perceives) possibilities & becomes aware of, through the mind, the qualities of God. In this verse is the first step towards awakened consciousness. 

4th Verse: This verse refers to the chosen ones. Those children of God who have chosen to move forward on their path in the physical even though they are seemingly alone. 

5th Verse: This verse refers to the dawning awareness that true happiness is only in "we." The "we" of unity & wholeness. 

6th Verse: This is a repeated verse (like verse 3) with "heart" which highlights the importance of the soul in awakening the consciousness for much of the issues one suffers are here in the soul. Until these issues are recognized by oneself & one takes responsibility for healing them, they will continue to block one's awareness of one's true source. 

7th Verse: This verse refers to one's consciousness awakening & the natural result of this which is unity & the loss of separation within oneself & the disappearance & eventual elimination of unconsciousness. In this verse, the externalized flower girl becomes internalized & merges with self. 

8th Verse: This is a repeated verse (like verses 2 & 5) affirming that Unity, Wholeness & the end of separation within self leads to happiness, joy & peace. Like verses 2 & 5, this verse recognizes that the end of separation is necessary to bring about Heaven on Earth.

9th Verse: This verse refers to the awareness that one is one's God Qualities & that one is awakened in consciousness, wholeness & love (I am the flower girl). It continues with the realization that this state of being (I love the flower girl) leads the way forward on one's path (my love shall lead the way) to ever higher states of consciousness (to find a sunny day), always questioning the nature of reality (was she reality or just a dream to me?) which in turn leads to answers & the way forward continues in an ever flowing path forward. 

Dawn: (This is me commenting now.)

One of the interesting things to me about all of this as I was rereading this information & typing it into this blog post, was how much the song went along with my dream. Like the song, I was in the rain although I was unhappy & was singing my version of this song. “I just wanna be happy, happy, happy! Flowers in my hair, Flowers everywhere!” The negativity was all around in the form of darkness & rain & I was grieving this even though the sun came out for me. I saw that everyone & everything else was still in darkness, rain & shadow & for this reason, I continued to grieve. Once I woke up, I could only remember the one verse above & something about “mind” which is also in the song.

It’s funny that the official name of this song is “The Rain, The Park & Other Things” because according to Spirit, the rain is negativity & the park is the physical & I feel like the other things are all that Spirit has unearthed for us from this song. So to me the name translates to “Negativity, The Physical & The Spiritual.” A title like that pretty much sums it all up & why we are all here, don’t you think?

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


Holy Spirit

“Children of the Earth, listen to me now. Let go of resistance to moving forward. Let go of fear. Let go of hatred. Let go of resentment & blame, for holding onto these only causes more pain & suffering for you all. In order to lessen pain & suffering, one must move forward in your lives & allow love, peace, healing, wholeness, grace & truth to come forward. Are you allowing these to come forward in your words, actions, thoughts? Or are you allowing rigidity, negativity, resistance, hate, anger & fear to come forward in your words, actions, thoughts? The physical is a place of manifestation of the sum total of your thoughts, words, actions, energies & more from all levels of your being. In order to have joy, one must let go of hate & negativity. In order to be happy, one must let go of obsession & addiction. In order to experience peace, one must be willing to let go of contention & aggression. In order to have grace, one must be willing to let go of control & willfulness. All of these things & more stand in the way of what you truly desire. Why do you feel that others outside of you stand in the way? You are so busy standing in your own way that no one else has a chance to do so. Look around you. What do you see? I see the children of God lost at sea. The sea of negativity within themselves everywhere. Let this go as it does not serve anyone. The negativity is within you & this causes you to drown, not the negativity of others. “…take the log out of your own eye, for then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye.” Matthew 7:3-5  Follow in the way you should go for your sake & allow others to be responsible for themselves. In this way, the wheat is separated from the chaff. You must each take responsibility for yourselves, your lives, choices, actions, reactions, emotions, thoughts, words. Seek to do what is best in all things & allow others to do what they will. Life & God will take care of them. It is not your job to do so. Of course, I am not speaking of those who are unable to care for themselves. I am speaking of the willful. Be merciful, loving & full of care for the those who are unable to care for themselves. In this way, you demonstrate the care that God has for you. I now leave you with these words spoken by Jesus: “I am the Way, the Truth & the Life. No one comes to the Father/God except through Me. If you really know me, you will know my Father/God as well.” John 14:6-7″

“I am the Holy Spirit.”


Unity Prayer of Protection

Prayer of Protection

The Light of God Surrounds Me

The Love of God Enfolds Me

The Power of God Protects Me

The Presence of God Watches Over Me

Everywhere I Am, God Is

by James Dillet Freeman


The Unity Prayer above has been one of my go-to prayers for decades. I’ve used it for myself & for others, when I’ve been sick, afraid, stressed, worried, out of sorts. I’ve used it as a mantra in meditation. I’ve used it as I’ve been put under for surgeries, saying it over & over & over again. I can truly say it has been my salvation & my solace in this lifetime.

When my youngest grandson was in the hospital as an infant with RSV & the possibility of his death seemed very real, I prayed this prayer for him. There wasn’t much else I could do for him, I felt. The following is what happened when I said this prayer for him the first time in the hospital.

I said the first line & suddenly I saw an intense white ball of light all around him. I was surprised. In all my years of saying this prayer, I had never seen this happen before. When I said the second line, a soft pink translucent shimmery swirl came down wrapping around his body. I kept going & watching. When I said the third line, intense gold light cords came down from the top of the intense white ball of light wrapping it like gold cord on a Christmas ornament. When I said the forth line I saw a soft shimmery translucent column of light that looked like a mixture of white gold & yellow gold. It appeared over all. I knew that it reached everywhere. (It was after this experience that I started saying “from the core of the Earth to the Heart of God” in my statements & prayers because this is how big that column, the Presence of God column, was.) By this time, I was in tears & sobbing. From that time on, I have always envisioned the Unity Protection Prayer in this way, the way the Holy Spirit showed me when my grandson was so sick in the hospital. He recovered.

I’ve added to the prayer as needed but the vision stays the same. Sometimes I end it by saying: “And all is well and that’s the truth so help me God.” I always feel that with prayers sometimes they work best to be open & flexible in the moment & go with what you feel, hear, sense.

I’m a minister but not a Unity Minister, nevertheless, I’m very grateful to Unity for they helped me when I was younger (in my 20’s & 30’s) get on my path & move forward. They will always have a special place in my heart. For more information about Unity:

Unity World Headquarters

1901 NW Blue Parkway
Unity Village, MO 64065

Tel: 816-524-3550

Love in the Light of God, Dawn


Love Thyself


Some time ago, I was applying lotion after a shower. I was doing so hurriedly even though I had no reason to be in a hurry. In the midst of this, a voice interrupted me & asked, “Is this how you put lotion on your grandchildren?” I stopped to think about this & why I was being asked such a question. My answer to the question was “No, I put lotion on my grandchildren with love & patience & energy flows from my hands to them.” For I realized as I thought about the question that NOTHING, not love, not energy, not patience, nor care did I have towards myself as I carelessly slapped lotion on.

I have been thinking about this experience & the meaning of it on a personal & larger scale for awhile now. For myself, I realize that I treat myself mindlessly, carelessly & without love. Over time, this has caused me to feel uncared for, unloved & unworthy of love in all of it’s forms, both from myself & from others. I feel sad about this. I could blame my upbringing & my family but I can remember that I cared for & about myself when I was younger. I reached out to others for love & with love. So, I think this attitude towards myself has developed & worsened over time. It kind of crept up on me when I wasn’t looking. I’m glad Spirit pointed it out. I get a reminder every once in awhile so I know I’m not done working through this issue.

On a larger scale, it occurred to me this morning (as I applied lotion lovingly to myself after my shower) that this may be part of the current problem many have with addiction. One of the causes of addiction can be seen as a compulsion to fill the emptiness within by turning to something outside of yourself.

You can have an addiction to almost literally anything. I know most people think of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling or sex but this is just the tip of the iceberg. There is shopping, working, collecting, gaming, screens, & the list goes on & on. The idea that there is something outside of you that will make you happy, fill the emptiness, fix your life, solve your problems, heal you, bring you peace, satisfy you or fulfill you are all ideas that can lead to addiction. Love is a big one. The problem with these ideas is they are based on the assumption that you are lacking, broken, wounded, limited, wrong, a victim & you need something or someone outside of you to fix you. Well, I’m here to tell you that you are not lacking. There is nothing outside of you that you truly need that you don’t already have or have the capacity to acquire within yourself in balance.

Not only do you have all the solutions within you or at your fingertips but whatever you have been using as your addiction of choice is not the answer. The alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, sex, shopping, working, collecting, gaming, screens, etc., are not what you really need or want. They will never be the answer, nor fix the issue. Now, quite possibly you know this but I’m writing about this because you may have more subtle addictions that you are not aware of. You may tell yourself that you don’t have any addictions but I think most of us have developed them. The question becomes what are yours & how disabling are they? Ask yourself this question:

What do I do over & over again expecting a different outcome?

I ask this question because what you do over & over again may reveal what is ultimately unsatisfying, unfulfilling or isn’t permanently fixing anything. These could be addictions. Take some time to rethink your actions & choices. Question their purpose & meaning. Do you really need to do all that you are doing? Are they all necessary? Do all your choices & actions come from the desires of your heart? Or do your choices & actions come from compulsion, habit, anger, fear, grief, guilt, sacrifice, willfulness, loneliness, emptiness, control, manipulation, transactional love, sabotage, keeping up with others, wanting attention, to be accepted or other reasons?

After you identify these actions & choices, comes the tricky part. What is the outcome that you were HOPING to achieve by those actions or decisions? Your answer to THIS question tells you what you REALLY desire. Once you know what your true desire is then you can find a way to meet this Heart’s Desire yourself, directly.

A story from my own life to illustrate this:  In my 30’s, I had myself convinced that I didn’t like color on the walls of my house so all of my walls were white or nearly so. I wore almost all neutral colors in my clothing at the time. Not coincidentally, I compulsively shopped at JoAnn Fabrics for HOURS. Not that I ever bought much of anything because we couldn’t afford it. I just went there to pour over all the beautiful fabrics & colors. To this day my daughter can’t stand to shop there! 😛

It wasn’t until many, many years later that I realized the shopping compulsion went away after I started accepting color into my life, my home & my wardrobe. This is a perfect example of an addiction arising out of not meeting a need directly. My need was for color in my life which I was denying myself so my only other option was to meet the need in another way. You can see that spending hours shopping was a huge time waster & had to be continually repeated weekly, monthly, yearly because it was only a temporary fix. The permanent fix was wearing color & bringing color into my home so that I didn’t need to go out shopping to be exposed to color.

So I hope you find your time, money, energy & life wasters that are pretending to support you. Let them go & replace them with the real thing whatever that may be for you so that you might feel loved, cared for & fulfilled.

May You Find Love in the Light of God, Dawn



The Will to Forgive


I would like to talk today about forgiveness & what it means to forgive. Almost 25 years ago, I was learning the basics of “forgiveness work.”  I had been learning for awhile & was becoming proficient but at this point was unaware that I was “hearing.”  What I mean by this is that I suspected I could hear Spirit talking to me but I had no proof of this because the voice came through the sound of my own thoughts & I could not discern the difference. Spirit’s voice sounded just like my own thoughts so how was I to know? Well, on this day, I learned many things.

At the time, I was working with many other therapists in an wholistic center. On this particular day, an appointment with a new client was rapidly arriving that I was worried about. This client had been seen by some of the other therapists & I had heard stories from them that I did not want to experience. I had intended to do forgiveness work ahead of time about this client to hopefully prevent any negative interaction but here I was, 10 minutes before the appointment time, having done nothing. I was panicked & worried about what to do with so little time.

As I got my room ready for the appointment, thinking fast & furiously, I decided that the only thing to do would be to simply forgive this client for EVERYTHING. What I mean by this is that I had no time to look for any specific issues between us in the way I normally would.

I began saying statements of forgiveness, large, wholesale statements that bundle up all possibilities. The room preparation kept my hands & body busy on autopilot as my mind was occupied thinking about all that I might need to forgive & what to say next while I was saying the statements out loud. I was all in with my statements since I sincerely did not want to create anything even remotely similar to what I had heard from others with this client. I was working fast & passionately on many levels.

Well, the time of the appointment was almost at hand & I was focused in my thoughts on the statement that I was in the middle of saying out loud when suddenly, right over the top of my thoughts & my words, I heard this in my mind clear as a bell:


I was stunned. In the moment, I knew immediately that what I heard was not my thought because I was fully occupied with the statement that I was in the middle of actively thinking of & saying out loud. It was also a VERY LOUD THOUGHT. It was not subtle or quiet or vague. There was no question regarding it. It flowed through me, my mind & right over the top of my own thoughts & speaking voice with ease. I “heard” it so clearly that I was left with no doubts even as to WHO was speaking to me.

It was God. I knew this for a fact. It was one of those moments in my life when I could say I know that I know that I know.

For myself, this experience proved to me that I was hearing Spirit, that I was capable of hearing Spirit & that not all thoughts are my own thoughts. I was also greatly relieved. I’d had a secret fear since childhood that the physical was it. I remember wishing, dreaming & praying that there was more to reality than just the physical. Of course, I probably didn’t call it the physical or reality but thought of it as just “here.” But it was such a deep secret worry & fear that it stayed with me until that moment.

The message itself was also quite clear to me. There are many misuses of Will. We can probably look at ourselves & our lives in the past & see many instances where we have been willful, self-willed, weak-willed or lacked will entirely. God was telling me that I was using my Will in that moment to forgive fully & completely & “That is the highest best use of Will.” I was being commended for my use of Will. This implied that my personal, small will was aligned to God’s Will.

Stop & think about this. God bothered to step in & speak to me in that moment not only about Will but also about forgiveness. What does this say about forgiveness? The implication is that forgiveness is very important. I’ve had many clients feel upset by forgiveness & the wording of forgiveness statements because it causes them to feel blamed & responsible when they feel hurt, wounded & victimized.

I had not even met this client & here I was forgiving. I remember telling myself there was no time to look for my possible issues from past lives or anywhere else for that matter. This was a new lifetime & the past didn’t matter anymore. I could just bundle it all up & forgive everything. So that is what I did. That’s forgiveness.

At some point in time, it doesn’t really matter anymore what happened, only that you or others are suffering. You have to ask yourself:  “Am I ready to let go & forgive so that I can stop the suffering, my own & others?” Although, I would like to point out that the purpose of forgiveness is for you. I was forgiving this client because I did not want to experience any suffering due to negative interactions with this client. It was worth it to me to forgive ahead of time to ensure that our time together would be productive rather than destructive. We had an amazing appointment together & I saw this client many times afterwards. This is the power of forgiveness.

God’s Will for you is for you to forgive so that you can end the suffering. This was my takeaway from this experience. I have continued forgiveness work for 25 years, both my own & with others. I hope you will join me so that we can end the suffering for us all.

Love to you all in the Light and Love of God, Dawn


Night-time Visitors


I thought I would continue the theme here of childhood stories. This next one is probably the craziest one & I have often wondered what my Grandmother thought when I told her about it the next morning. I wish I could remember her response.

I was about 11 years old & shared a room with my brother at the time. My bed was between the door & the wall so when the door was open, it was up against my twin bed. It created a cozy but very tight little alcove with my bed against two walls & the open door. On this particular night, I woke up some time in the middle of the night on my side facing away from the door open against my bed. The room was somewhat lit, from moonlight probably. As I lay there, I realized someone was talking behind me. I rolled over & standing there beside my bed was a boy from my neighborhood that was in my class & a girl I did not recognize. They were smiling & talking to me. I registered not a word they said, however, because I was so startled by their appearance at the side of my bed. They were not in color but in shades of gray & white. They were somewhat transparent because I could clearly see the door beside my bed through the girl who was standing on the right. I laid there terrified, heart pounding, not knowing what to do until finally I had the presence of mind to hit at them. The loud BANG! sound that my hand made as it hit the door was almost as startling as their appearance had been. Fortunately, this worked & they disappeared instantly. I was so relieved & somehow I managed to go back to sleep afterwards!

So, ghosts(!), you’re probably thinking but no the boy at least was quite alive & probably at home asleep in his own bed. My understanding about this is that I had been out-of-body with them in the dream state. I returned to my body when I woke up & they followed me back. I think I could see them because I wasn’t what I call “wide awake” yet. Do you recognize that feeling? Do you know the difference between “awake” & “wide awake?” There is a place between “asleep” & “wide awake” where lies other things & places. I’ve seen, heard & felt a lot in there. I’m guessing my Grandmother thought I might be dreaming. I was not because I was awake. I was in that place between “asleep” & “wide awake.” 

What have you seen, heard, felt & experienced between “asleep” & “wide awake?”   

Live, Love & Laugh in the Light of God, Dawn    


Seeing Spirit


In the previous post, I talked about my first clear memory of a spiritual nature. My next clear memory happened when I was about 4 to 5 years old. I was lying in bed having just woken up in the attic bedroom of my grandparent’s home. (This was my mother’s parents who lived out in the country at the time.)  All around the room, sparkles were flying everywhere. I was entranced & watched for a long time. I remember thinking that probably no one else could see them. (The arrogance & egocentricity of small children!)

Thinking about this memory, the sparkles were somewhat similar to what you see when you strain your eyes from, for example, trying to look at your armpits while shaving. The difference is that the entire room was full of them, many more than from eyestrain. They were also much, much brighter, larger, more intense.

I have in recent years asked about this incident & was told that what I saw were Angels. I don’t know why I saw Angels, then specifically. But I do think this was an experience to lead me forward on my path & linger in my memory so that, as an adult, I could look back & see that Spirit has been with me all along. I am quite certain that I am not the only one that Spirit has been with all along & that is why I share these stories.

Live, Love & Laugh in the Light of God, Dawn  


Opening to Spirit


When I was 2 (almost 3) years old, I got severely burnt by coffee simmering on the stove. My parent’s & I were at the neighbor’s who were having a farewell party for us. We were to be moving from California back to the Midwest where my parent’s were from before my dad entered the Navy.

When it happened, I remember seeing my hand reach for a red ball in the corner of the stove & wall & then, nothing. My dad, in recounting the story to me as an adult, said that I went into shock. He & my mom drove me to the emergency room. My dad told this part of the story very dramatically. He was driving very fast in a panic & of course got pulled over. He was not happy about this nor with the attitude of the officer but at least he didn’t get a ticket for speeding! : )

The second memory after the red ball is of the emergency room where I am watching 2 people work on a little girl that looks like me. She is on a gurney. I am watching from the corner of the curtained off area.

The third memory is of waking up in a hospital crib with something bulky wrapped around my stomach. I remember feeling surprised to be there, almost like “Oh! I’m back here.”

This is the gist of the story. Growing up, I never questioned it nor why my perspective changed from watching my hand reach for the ball to suddenly watching from a nearby corner of the curtained off ER room to then being in a crib. It wasn’t until I was an older kid that I realized the puzzlement of the perspective changes of the three memories – inside of myself, outside of myself, inside of myself. I then decided that the middle memory wasn’t of me but of another kid in the ER. I was satisfied with this solution until I became an adult & realized just how ridiculous this was. What ER allows a 2 year old to wander around watching the goings on in other rooms? Where were my parents? They definitely weren’t standing there with me watching. This conundrum bothered me for years & years. It wasn’t until I read about OOBE’s (Out-Of-Body-Experiences) that I finally had an explanation. OOBE’s have been known to spontaneously happen due to shock, trauma, accidents, surgeries, etc.

This is my earliest memory of a spiritual nature. I believe it helped to open the door for me between the physical & the non-physical. This door has stayed open to varying degrees for the rest of my life as I slowly experienced more & more of the spiritual in the physical. I think many of us have things like this happen to us & we wave them away, explain them away, as I did to myself. Go back & examine your childhood. What strange, unexplainable memories do you have? Maybe you might find a spiritual explanation for them now.

Love in the Light of God, Dawn